In the sleazy, foreboding world of winos, derelicts and drifters in lower Manhattan, two young runaways eighteen-year-old Fred (Mike Lackey) and his younger brother, Kevin (Mark Sferrazza) live in a tire hut in the back of an auto wrecking yard. Life is hard, but the most lethal threat to the boys is the mysterious case of Tenafly Viper wine in Ed’s liquor store window. The stuff is forty years old… and it’s gone bad. REAL bad! Anyone who drinks it melts in seconds, and it’s only a dollar a bottle!
Street Trash, introduces us to a cast of very sleazy, but still very funny bums. And there really isn’t any other way to word it, other than bums. We have Fred, who seems to mostly just want a drink. The thing is, he will do anything to get it, even if it means upset the ruler of the bum population in, Bronson, an army vet who is crazy. He also has a little brother, who just seems to be wanting to make friends with an Aan girl who works at the dump the bums are making their home in. I note that she’s Aan just because this becomes an issue in some regards to the plot. A plot that picks up when some old booze named Viper is found and comes into play, also bringing in a bad ass cop. The story here for Street Trash might be one that’s comedic and rude, but it’s also very well written. There’s a zillion things in this movie worth quoting and a lot of memorable scenes take place.
Among the memorable things that do take place, a lot of it involves what happens when someone drinks Viper. If this movie was done today, it would have so much CGI you’d think it was a cartoon. Here in 1987, you get tons of blood, ooze, and gunk. All of which comes across in a marvelous fashion. And it’s done so well, anyone who isn’t use to this type of stuff might even find themselves a little ck while watching. But I love this stuff and think it’s great. By the time this movie comes to an end, we’ve seen people get urinated on, people blown up, a penis gets cut off, and countless other over the top and violent things. Too man to really mention, but I’d rather you just see for yourself, if you have yet to see this movie. I don’t use the term “great” a whole lot. If you read this te regularly, you’ll notice I’m a bit hard to please. But as over the top as this movie is, I think it’s great. We dip down into the lives of some very dirty people and the results are a whole lot of fun. The type of fun that many of you will love. And, regardless if you already have the DVD or not, the Blu-ray transfer looks soo good that it is well worth getting again. This crude film just looks beautiful here.
- Create Your Own Bottle of Tenafly Viper Wine with the Enclosed Label Sticker
- High-Definition Transfer from the Original Camera Negative
- 5.1 Surround Remix Created Specifically for Home Theatre Environments
- Two Audio Commentaries Featuring Producer Roy Frumkes and Director James Muro
- THE MELTDOWN MEMOIRS Feature Length Documentary on the History and Making of STREET TRASH
- The Original STREET TRASH 16mm Short Film That Inspired the Movie
- The Original STREET TRASH Promotional Teaser
- Original Theatrical Trailer
- ALL-NEW BLU-RAY EXCLUVES: Jane Arakawa Video Interview and Deleted Scenes