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Trailer For The Upcoming Controversial Christian Horror Film THE LOCK IN Arrives

Here is something different. Back in 2010, Three high school seniors released an evil, what they captured on film cannot be explained. Those are the words used to describe this rare occasion. Billed as a Christian Horror film, THE LOCK IN looks to frighten audiences using the found footage angle. To fill you in, a church lock in is a chance for teenagers to hang out all night in a safe and controlled environment. The church doors are locked and you are to spend the night there and enjoy a night of entertainment. On this occasion, some teenage boys bring a porno magazine that has the power to summon demons to the event with them and create a night that they will never forget.

“The demon is a metaphor for the true damage pornography can have in the lives of youth. There are never graphic or pornographic images shown in the movie. The producers of the film felt that it was important to tell a Christian story about real issues but to keep the images family friendly so anyone could be entertained without fear of exposure to questionable pictures.”

Have a look at the trailer below.

THE LOCK IN looks to have a release date of January 9, 2014.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Saturday 12/14/2013 at 05:59 PM | 102476