Rob Zombie is a very talented man no question about it. Whether you are a fan of his or no, the man certainly has earned great respect in the music business, filmmaking, and within the Horror Community. His last movie effort came in the form of the wickedly artistic LORDS OF SALEM and sparked a lot of interest and was well received by many while others weren't so kind to the witchy tale. For quite some time Zombie had plans for his hockey project BROAD STREET BULLIES but that was put on hold as we learned back in February and Zombie will indeed be returning to Horror with his next flick.
While this new mysterious Horror film is being put together, a teaser video has hit the scene (see below) and it furthers the wonder of it all. It touches on the past a bit and then moves forward to the future. The new Rob Zombie project is titled 31, and a wicked clown mask is clearly shown near the end to drive our imaginations wild.
Zombie confirmed the title of the project on his Twitter account. Then on Zombie's Facebook account a fan asked him the question if 31 is going to be a prequel? His response was that it would not be.