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Ever Wanted To Live In A Haunted Abandoned Orphanage? See The Trailer For BIND Here!

There are a lot of Horror films that have been created where we see the main characters making some really sketchy decisions which usually lead to some amazing Horror delights. We as an audience get to safely enjoy the fruits of the madness. Director Dan Walton is bringing his creepy supernatural Horror flick BIND to the forefront this year, and from the looks of the trailer (See below) this one is going to be a solid entry and offer a great variety of thrill.

BIND stars Darren Matheson, Sierra Pitkin, Alisha-Jo Penney, Sasha Neuhaus, Shayleigh Pruzina, Deborah Finkel ,Eliza Faria, Lynn Csontos, Mackenzie Mowat, Morgan Pasiuk, Nathan Vass and Natasha Davidson.


"A family moves into an abandoned orphanage and they soon learn that their charming orphanage has a disturbing history and is convinced they aren't alone."

According to the official BIND facebook page the film should be released sometime around Halloween.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Saturday 6/07/2014 at 06:09 PM | 102692