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Trailer Arrives For KM.31: SIN RETORNO!

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Seven years ago we saw the release of Rigoberto Castaneda's Horror movie KM: 31. It became the highest grossing Horror film in Mexico. Now Castaneda returns with the sequel titled KM.31: SIN RETORNO. We have the trailer for the flick waiting for you down below.

The film stars Adria Collado, Odin Ayala, and Carlos Aragon.


"Aragon back on the beat, after being disgraced and even incarcerated for failing to solve the original case, investigating a series of child abductions, “KM 31: Part II” will also feature Ileana Fox, who awoke from a coma at the end of the original, possessed by an evil spirit. Here, she will embody La Llorona, a mother in Mexican myths who lost her own child.

Look for KM.31: SIN RETORNO to arrive in October.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Monday 7/06/2015 at 03:29 PM | 103456