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New Official Trailer Arrives For Killer Shark Thriller THE SHALLOWS!

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There has been a slew of crazy, over the top killer shark themed movies that seem to be just around every corner for a few years now, but today we take a look at an upcoming movie that takes it's predator very serious. This summer from Sony Pictures Entertainment and director Jaume Collet-Serra comes the secluded killer shark thriller THE SHALLOWS. The new official trailer has arrived and we have that for you down below.

Originally titled IN THE DEEP, THE SHALLOWS stars Blake Lively. The screenplay was written by Tony Jaswinski.


"a young woman who is dealing with the recent death of her mother. While surfing on an isolated beach, she gets stranded 20 yards off shore on a buoy. What lies between her and the shore is a huge great white shark."

THE SHALLOWS will be in theaters June 29th.
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