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PSYCHO II and III Bluray 9/24 BONUS Features Have Been Announced!

Did the success of A&E's Bates Motel give these clascs the push they needed to get on bluray?

Those psychos at Scream Factory are at it again, and this time they've got help from "mother." Yes, the best genre distributor in the buness is bringing PSYCHO II and PSYCHO III to Blu-ray and DVD this fall, hopefully in time for Halloween.

**BREAKING: Final List of Extras for PSYCHO II & PSYCHO III on DVD or Blu-ray 9/24!**

PSYCHO II - All-new Audio Commentary with Screenwriter Tom Holland

- Vintage interviews with cast and crew including Anthony Perkins and Director Richard Franklin - Vintage audio interviews with cast and crew - TV Spots - Original Theatrical Trailer

PSYCHO III - New Audio Commentary with Screenwriter Charles Edward Pogue - Watch The Guitar:New interview with Actor Jeff Fahey - Patsy’s Last Night: New interview with Actress Katt Shea - Mother’s Maker: New interview with Special Make-Up Effects Creator Michael Westmore - Body Double: New interview with Brinke Stevens Original Theatrical Trailer

This is a must have! PSYCHO III is one of the most riveting films of the 80's!

Listen to our PSYCHO 2 and 3 reviews
TheSkeletonCrew Thursday 5/23/2013 at 05:10 PM | 100881
Oh good. I can say that at least Psycho II is an excellent movie. What they really need to do is release the movies in black & white as an option, like the blu ray release of The Mist. I ran both movies through Final Cut to put them in b&w and they're a thousand times better.
Boisv Thursday 5/23/2013 at 05:25 PM | 100882
This is great news, Alex. Wonder if pt.4 will ever get a release. They also have Day of the Dead, coming out this year. Shout Factory is for sure the best out there, when it comes to horror. I just received my Blu-Ray copies of, The Burning & The Town That Dreaded Sundown. June 18, Lifeforce will be released. Then on July 30, The Fog will be released. All great films.
Dimiter Thursday 5/23/2013 at 06:28 PM | 100883
I have official word from SF

"Sorry guys: The official word here is we do not have plans to acquire PSYCHO IV at this time or in the immediate future.

Please keep in mind that, mainly for financial reasons, we cannot acquire every horror film from the studios that we would all like to see. We do not own these films and have to pay advances (and hefty ones at that) to acquire them. We like IV of course, but our pockets are more focused on bigger titles and transfers and producing extras.

Thank you for understanding and your support.

- Jeff Nelson, Marketing Director."
TheSkeletonCrew Friday 5/24/2013 at 12:31 PM | 100887
I have official word from SF

"Sorry guys: The official word here is we do not have plans to acquire PSYCHO IV at this time or in the immediate future.

Please keep in mind that, mainly for financial reasons, we cannot acquire every horror film from the studios that we would all like to see. We do not own these films and have to pay advances (and hefty ones at that) to acquire them. We like IV of course, but our pockets are more focused on bigger titles and transfers and producing extras.

Thank you for understanding and your support.

- Jeff Nelson, Marketing Director."

Thanks for clearing this up.
Dimiter Saturday 5/25/2013 at 01:02 AM | 100889