Earlier in the year, MTV had committed to doing a pilot episode for a new televion series based on the "Scream" franchise. At the time a writer had not been picked up as the initial announcement was made, but now we do indeed know who they have chosen to be the writing duo that will be working on the script.
Jay Beattie and Dan Dworkin are the two lucky ones to been hired on with creating the pilot script. Both have previously worked on Revenge, The Event, Mercy, and Criminal Minds. There also has been quite the buzz going around that there is interest in having Wes Craven to be the director of the pilot episode. Back in May he wasn’t ready to make a commitment.
Wes Craven:
“A lot of you have asked about the Scream TV series. It’s true I’ve been approached. My response was, it would depend on the script. If they have a great script/concept, it could be fun. If not, not.”
So Bidites, if the pilot episode is a success and the the Scream Televion series is green lit for an entire season, the plan would be for them to begin airing it on MTV sometime in the Summer of 2014.Source-