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WALKING DEAD's New Additition Speaks Out - Plus New 2 Videos For Episode 411!

Now that THE WALKING DEAD has returned to television a lot of events are goings down. Following the battle at the prison many of the surviving group is left bewildered and scattered. Some of them seem to be stronger than others, while others are battling trying to keep it together in their own minds. Some unlikely alliances have formed. A few characters have returned and also at the tail end of episode 410 we see the introduction of Abraham, who is well known from the comics, along with his companions Eugene and Rosita. Below Michael Cudlitz speaks out about his character Abraham and more plus two videos to tie you over for now pertaining to episode 411 which is titled CLAIMED.

Michael Cudlitz who portrays Abraham Ford opened up a little to THR about what we might can expect in the future and about the new characters.

Here is what he had to say:

“A lot of things happen in the comic that affect how he operates and how he moves through this world and the decisions he makes. A lot of that is ripped directly from the comics, as well as the whole chunk of time where the comic left off and where we meet them now. There are some elements that they’ve introduced that will make Abraham’s back story that much more tragic."

“All three of those characters are going to seem extremely familiar to those who know the comics. They’re almost exact up to the point where we meet them. Where they go from here, we’ll all learn that together.”

He continues on:

“You know they’re headed for Washington but the audience will learn all that in the next episode as to where they’re going, why they think they’re going there, what information Eugene has and that Abraham and Rosita believe him. There is no subtlety in it. It’s this wonderful expositional moment that’s literally ripped out of the comics where you meet these people, learn who they are as individuals and what they need from anyone else — and you better f—ing be on board, because you don’t have a choice!”

In regards to his character:

“They’re not locked in this day-to-day rhetorical self-examination of life and what does it all mean… Abraham is more like, ‘By the time you all have your f—ing meeting, I’ll have handled it already.’ They are not a Boy Scout Troop…

“He’s not necessarily someone who is going to be the king — or someone you’d even want to be the king — he’s the guy you’d want as your first, the guy leading a section of a larger plan. Ultimately, he’s good for [Rick's] group because there are a lot of reluctant leaders and people doing what they have to do. Abraham is a leader by nature; he’s not reluctant about it.”

THE WALKING DEAD airs Sundays on AMC.

Source- THR
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