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THE WALKING DEAD Season 6 began with Alexandria's safety shattered by multiple threats. With the core group being spread out into different parties, the mid-season finale left us all wondering what could be coming next and where do we go from here?
As it looks like Alexandria could be left in the dust, we now know that a new face of evil is on the horizon in the form a character named Negan. For those of you who aren't familiar with this name check out "The Walking Dead" #100 comic and your stomach will surely twist and turn.
It was made known last month that actor Jeffrey Dean Morgan will be portraying Negan when the show returns in February. Morgan recently spoke with EW radio about the role.
He mentions how reading the comics have helped him understand the character better saying:
"I think what’s there in the comic books and the graphic novels is this foundation of this man and the complexities of who he is. Every time I look at the graphic novel — which in the past few weeks next to my bedside I’ve just had stacks of Walking Dead stuff; and so when I’m not memorizing my Good Wife lines and trying to figure that out I’ll just grab one of these things and look at it — and I will read and reread and see something different in it each time."
When asked about how the foul mouthed Negan from the comics will measure up against the on screen version he replied:
"The character itself is going to be as close as humanly possible... We’re going to push AMC — the plan is to push them as far as they can because it’s who Negan is. He uses some colorful language... It’s our intention that this character is going to leap off the pages of the comic book. It’s very important that that’s who it is."
Negan is known for wielding his trusty barbed-wire wrapped baseball bat known as Lucille. When asked if he had yet seen this weapon of choice Morgan says:
"I have. She is gorgeous. She is a beautiful girl."
Look for Negan to bring the pain when THE WALKING DEAD returns to television on AMC in February.