ted. Bedes, im all you really have within a fifty mile radius.”“Im sorry, I wasn’t trying to be rude.” Nathan apologized.
“I didn’t take it that way,” Christine smiled.There was an awkward lence that fell between them, one that Angelina wasn’t sure how to break.
“Can I meet your daughter,” Christine asked.
“She actually fell asleep before we even left the house,” Angelina replied.
“Well, if you just spent the last hour of your time fighting off a demon, im sure youd be rather tired as well.” Christine replied. “Its good though, this will give us a chance to talk without the interruptions.”Gathering the children, the Reese family cautiously entered the manon. The floor was marble, and lead to an enormous fireplace that sat in the middle of a winding stair case. The ceiling was masve, and curved into circular mural. Both entryways to the wings of the house were closed off by enormous wooden doors. Everything was covered in dust, and cobweb. Yet still, it was a majestic ght. It was apparent that Christine had already entered the house, by the candle light and table placed in the center of the room.“Lie her on the floor, in front of the fire place.” Christine spoke softly.
Carefully, Nathan gently placed his daughter on the floor. Christine, who followed close behind, knelt down by her de. Removing a five bracelets from her bag, and a crown of flowers she closed her eyes and whispered softly to herself.
“The crown of flowers are for healing,” She informed Angelina and Nathan.
Gently, she placed the crown on the girls head.“I have four bracelets, one for each limb.” Christine continued. “Each has a different amulet attached to it. The phoenix, who can help the most lost soul, rise from the ashes. The magical eye, that brings potive energy and fights off the negative. The Amulet of Strength, to renew her phycal and emotional state. And last, The Eye of the Owl, which serves as a fighter of evil spirits. Each of these will help your daughter personally in this battle.” Christine continued to place each bracelet in its proper place. “When the time comes, I will test out different religious paraphernalia in order to receive a reaction. Though I am not attempting a religious exorcism, it will shock the demon enough to respond to my technique.”Christine stood, and made her way to the table. Slowly, the family followed. Angelina made sure to t Hayden and Leighton within arms reach of herself, or Nathan. Taking a breath, she studied the table. In the center was the same style alphabet that was written on the Ouija board they used.
“This is a spirit table, bacally the same thing as a Ouija board, just less portable. Its been in my family for generations, and it was the first one I ever used.” Christine explained. “This table, has been enchanted with special spells that a typical Ouija board does not have.” She studied their reactions. “I want to go through and explain a few things to you. nce your initial email, I have been doing my research on this demon. I had briefly dealt with it before, but not enough to actually know anything about it.” Christine took a breath.
“It,” Nathan questioned.“It isn’t human, there for gender does not apply. Do not think of it as a ghost, because it is mply evil. For starters, when you began your séance, you opened a portal. This portal was never properly closed. I had you email me the events that have happened after we scheduled this meeting so I could inform you of what you have been dealing with. The demon that passed through, and made first contact with you has grown attached to the board. After the events that took place with the Uley’s, it took a liking to it. This demon is a se’irim demon, they begin as a shadow, or grey figure. Slowly, they feed off the energy of those they are haunting to become whole. This is why it hasn’t seemed like the same creature every time you have seen it. It had to grow into what it is now. When you guys ended the séance, without properly clong the portal, it left a gateway for other supernatural entities to cross over. They began ung the board as a way to do so. Think of the board as the key that opened the door for them. When you broke the board, you created a gap.
That is why the elderly lady was seen by your neighbor, and in your daughters room. The faceless demon, that walked on all fours is another example of what was pasng through. They are typically messenger demons, that cause no real harm. These spirits and demons that have seemed to fade away, are only gone because the se’irim drove them out. It is the most powerful. It claimed your family for itself, and forced any other supernatural being away. Demon’s don’t have a purpose for haunting, bedes inflicting pain. They love the perveron of anything pure, which is why it attempted to rape the young man. The more it can defile a human soul, the more joy it gets when it takes it. The little you were able to get out of Nichole for the email wasn’t much, but I do have answers for you. The actual rape, had nothing to do with the posseson. It was just another way to defile her. You asked why it was invible to her during the process, and the answer is mple. It takes energy to present itself in our world, it also takes energy to possess. In order to have enough energy to overpower your daughters will power, it needed to be fully charged. Tonight, if we are successful at drawing the demon out, you will see it.” Christine held a stern tone throughout her entire monologue.“The most disturbing, and potentially dangerous thing about a se’irim demon is their hunger for flesh and blood. Once they reach their full grown state, it has the need for human flesh. Which is why your mother was misng so much skin, and a few of her organs. I assume that it attempted to curve its need, and gain a little strength by feasting on your dog before it attacked Nichole. However, I promise you, it wasn’t satisfied.” Christine sat in lence for a few moments while the family processed everything.
Angelina felt the heavy cloud of dread weighing down on her, and could feel as her nerves tingled in terror. The reality of how dangerous the tuation was, was unbearable.“I know you noticed the milarities between your tuation and the Uley’s.” Christine assumed. “Its bacally mocking you, showing you that even though you know whats next, you cant stop it.”“When you said prepare for the worst, what exactly did you mean?” Nathan asked.
“There isn’t a guarantee that we will free your daughter tonight, nor is there a guarantee that any of us will make it out of this house alive. It wants you to suffer, and it has its chance to tear your family apart.” Christine explained.
“Why cant we just close the portal,” Dillon questioned.
“Because the demon will still be in your ster if we do that. If we close the portal, it should stop all the paranormal activity happening in your house, as well as force the demon back into its realm. But if we attempt to close the portal with the demon still latched on to her soul, she will be taken there with him.” She explained. “Do you believe in the Devil,” She asked.
“Yes,” Angelina murmured.
“Think of it like this, the more souls a demon can take for him, the higher they are placed on the stand.” Christine elaborated.
“How do we start,” Angelina cut to the point.
“First, we have to wake it.” Christine stated.