Archstone Distribution recently acquired the worldwide rights to Anthony DiBla’s "Cassadaga" and will be releang the movie to theaters, VOD, and digital services in October. So that you can get a better idea of what this film is about we have all of the details and a slew of brutal still images along with the official trailer for you all below.“Archstone Distribution acquires the worldwide rights to director Anthony DiBla’s (The Midnight Meat Train, Dread) latest horror/thriller, CASSADAGA, opening day-and-date in theaters and On Demand Oct. 11. CASSADAGA marks Archstone’s second digital release with distributor Starz Digital Media. Together they released the horror/thriller A Resurrection, starring Mischa Barton, Devon Sawa and Michael Clarke Duncan, in July.”
"Cassadaga" stars Kelen Coleman (FOX’s “The Mindy Project,” Children of the Corn: Genes) and Kevin Alejandro (HBO’s “True Blood,” CBS’s “Golden Boy”) and will be available for download across digital providers including iTunes and Xbox, and On Demand across DIRECTV, DISH Network and select cable providers. The announcement was made by Archstone Distribution’s Scott Martin.
“Cassadaga" is filled with twists and turns that will keep audiences at the edge of their seats,” says Martin. “Horror fans will appreciate this movie, and it will surely build a following.”
"Cassadaga" tells the story of Lily Morel (Kelen Coleman), a post-lingually deaf artist, who participates in a séance in the spiritualist community of Cassadaga. But instead of getting closure with her recently departed ster, Lily contacts the vengeful ghost of a murdered woman. As the ghost becomes increangly angry and violent, Lily rushes to unravel the mysterious circumstances surrounding the woman’s death – a task that will bring her face-to-face with a sadistic serial killer who turns his victims into human marionette dolls.
"Cassadaga" tells the story of Lily Morel (Kelen Coleman), a post-lingually deaf artist, who participates in a séance in the spiritualist community of Cassadaga. But instead of getting closure with her recently departed ster, Lily contacts the vengeful ghost of a murdered woman. As the ghost becomes increangly angry and violent, Lily rushes to unravel the mysterious circumstances surrounding the woman’s death – a task that will bring her face-to-face with a sadistic serial killer who turns his victims into human marionette dolls."
"Cassadaga" is produced and written by Scott Poiley and Bruce Wood, and co-stars Louise Fletcher (Showtime’s “Shameless,” The Last n Eater), Rus Blackwell and Lucas Beck."
"Cassadaga" is produced and written by Scott Poiley and Bruce Wood, and co-stars Louise Fletcher (Showtime’s “Shameless,” The Last n Eater), Rus Blackwell and Lucas Beck. The deal was negotiated by Archstone Distribution’s Brady Bowen and Scott Poiley on behalf of the filmmakers.”
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