So I just got finished watching a film called The Expelled, original title being F. Is it just me or does it feel like as a viewer we are left with way too many questions? This movie was going along greatly and I was feeling it so deeply, but then the movie was over, without any conflict resolution! Either this film was made for an intended sequel that we may never see, or the production ran out of money. The film is 1 hour 18 mins long, so it certainly could've had another 15 minutes or so which could've had the conflict resolution in it. I felt like I watched 3/4ths of a movie. I feel cheated!
To those of you whom have seen The Expelled, what are your feelings on the ending? Does anyone perhaps know the facts as to why the ending is the way it is?
A few more questions:
Is this guy dead?
Are the hooded kids even human?
Why change the title when it clearly had an "F" ending?
In my opinion, this movie was like buying Lucky Charms without the tiny marshmallows in it.