Hello from Lee Vervoort to the Bidite world and horror fans world wide. Introducing our next film currently in pre-production..."THE TRUCK".
Unfortunately we dont have much to show at the moment as we do not start filming for another 3 weeks, but we wanted to give everyone a little heads up notice as what to look forward to.
"The Truck" is an 80s throwback road horror film that tells the story of Roger and Alice who are a happy young couple on a weekend excuron to go look at an abandoned campground that Roger has inherited.
On the way there, they encounter an old four wheel drive that adds miles of terror. Is there anyone driving? Or is it driven by pure evil?
Filming begins in the latter part of March, and as of now has our favorite local actors Tim Emery as a Sheriff and Andy Grace as his deputy. Emery and Grace both participated in the Gun Town film which was released in 2009.
Muc score will once again be provided by Danny Lee Ramsey of Little Hollywood Studios in Nashville, TN. who also has a cameo role in this road horror feature. We are also in talks with One Eyed Doll of Austin, TX. for additional tunes to be added.
Our locations are breath taking. A small town that is stuck in time with old brick buildings and such, the Copper Canyon Ranch that is providing the campground scene and our incredible location for the grand finale which we are not disclong until you see the film. cant spoil it!
"Like" us on Facebook to keep up with tidbits as they are released.
https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Truc ... ts&fref=tsTHE TRUCK
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