Rob Zombie is a very talented man no question about it. Whether you are a fan of his or no, the man certainly has earned great respect in the music business, filmmaking, and within the Horror Community. His last movie effort came in the form of the wickedly artistic LORDS OF SALEM and sparked a lot of interest and was well received by many while others weren't so kind to the witchy tale. For some time now Zombie has been trying to get his hockey project BROAD STREET BULLIES up and rolling. Now it appears that it will have to wait even longer as plans have changed and Horror fans will be glad to know that Zombie is returning to the genre with his next flick.
Zombie recently spoke with 3news and had this to say:
"I was working on this thing called Broad Street Bullies, which was a hockey film, but that got put on the backburner because something else popped up… I'd been working on this hockey film for over two years, it took so much research and work, and I was literally sitting with someone going, 'You know, I have this other idea…
"And I said the idea and they go, 'We'll make that!' And I put together a one-line pitch, because I didn't want to go to pitch meetings and do all that. I'd call them on the phone and go, "Here's my idea, blah blah blah,' and they're like, 'We're in!' So you slave over something for years and it's still difficult, and you say some crazy thing off the top of your head and they say 'Where do we sign?'. And that turned into a weird bidding war. And that became the next film."
He doesn't spoil anything as far as the story but pertaining to his next film he said:
"I think it's something fans of the other stuff will like. Probably fans of The Devil's Rejects will enjoy the most. It's not connected to that film but it's more on that headspace".
What he had to say about his first movie:
"The first film [House of 1000 Corpses], which people seems to love, is just a calamitous mess. Well, when it came out it seemed like everyone hated it. Now everyone acts like it's beloved in some way. All I see is flaw, upon flaw, upon flaw… upon flaw."
Source- 3news