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Arnold Schwarzenegger Speaks Out About The New TERMINATOR Film!

The newest TERMINATOR movie is set to begin production this April with Arnold Schwarzenegger returning to the franchise, presumably as one of the titular robots. While speaking at a fan event at the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus (via The Arnold Fans), Schwarzenegger spoke out about the shoot and offered some new insight with his thoughts about the upcoming sequel saying:

"We start filming in the middle or in the end of April and it will be a four or four-and-a-half month long shoot. We will be filming it in New Orleans with some of it in San Francisco and maybe a little of it in LA but most of it will be done in New Orleans. I'm really looking forward to that because as you know, the last time when they did the Terminator, it was when I was Governor and so I couldn't be in that movie but now I'm back again and they are very excited about having me in the film… The script is fantastic so I'm really looking forward to this film."

The new TERMINATOR film is set to be directed by Alan Taylorthe and will be the first in a stand alone trilogy. Starring Jason Clarke, Emilia Clarke, and Jai Courtney.

The film will be in theaters July 1, 2015.

Source- Superherohype
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