Back in 2004, the world discovered the Horror film THE GRUDGE. It told the story of an American nurse working in Tokyo, and after a series of mysterious deaths, she uncovers a curse that was spread by a supernatural spirit which possessed its victims. The spirit would then claim their souls as well as their lives. The flick was released by Columbia Pictures and was directed by Takashi Shimizu. Costing $10 million to produce THE GRUDGE grossed around $187 million worldwide. It was followed by two sequels.
Now it appears that THE GRUDGE franchise will be receiving the reboot treatment courtesy of Sam Raimi's Ghost House Pictures and Good Universe.
Sam Raimi, Rob Tapert and Taka Ichise will be producing, along with executive producers Roy Lee, Doug Davison, Joe Drake and Nathan Kahane.
Jeff Buhler (MIDNIGHT MEAT TRAIN) has the task of writing the reboot. No plot details are available at this time.
Source- Variety