Rob Zombie is a very talented and busy man no question about it. Whether you are a fan of his or no, the man certainly has earned great respect in the music business, filmmaking, and within the Horror Community. His last movie effort came in the form of the wickedly artistic LORDS OF SALEM and sparked a lot of interest and was well received by many while others weren't so kind to the witchy tale. For quite some time Zombie had plans for his hockey project BROAD STREET BULLIES but that was put on hold as we learned back in February and then just last month the news came in that Zombie will indeed be returning to Horror with his next flick.
Last month a mysterious teaser video appeared the scene which touched on Zombie's past Horror films and then it moved forward to the future. The title of the project was revealed to be called 31. Rumors quickly started forming and there has been speculation that it could be a HOUSE OF 1000 CORPSES prequel due to the obvious clown mask that is in the video.
Rob Zombie recently spoke with Radio Metal and was asked about his upcoming film 31 stating:
“31, yeah, because it takes place on October 31st."
When asked about the rumors of 31 being a prequel he said:
"No, it’s totally different. All I can tell you is that it’s a completely original idea, it’s something new. It’s not based on anything. I’ll start shooting the movie in the fall. So hopefully starting from October, I’ll start shooting it. For right now, I’m going to keep the details secret. But it’s not based on anything.”
He was then asked about a possible connection with the clown mask and Captain Spaulding:
“Well, he doesn’t really look like him, I think. There’s a clown thing in the movie, but it has nothing to do with Captain Spaulding. And what is in the movie doesn’t look like Captain Spaulding either, maybe the people think the poster does but the movie won’t.”
Continuing on, Zombie spoke about why there was a delay with his hockey project, BROAD STREET BULLIES and why 31 became the priority:
“Well, it really didn’t have anything to do with not being ready. It’s all about money, you know. We didn’t have the money yet to do the hockey film. And someone decided that they would give me the money to do the other film, so I said “ok, I’ll do this one first and come back to do the other one later.” Because I didn’t want to just sit around for years trying to get the movie made, because that’s how it goes sometimes, you know. Sometimes it takes a long time to get a movie made, and I didn’t want to wait. And every time I plan a movie another movie is the one I make. You know, they’re very expensive to make. So, as soon as I told someone the idea for 31, they were like “Oh! We’ll give you the money for that! Let do it!” So I was like “Ok! I’ll do that first and then I’ll come back to the other movie!”
Here is the teaser video for 31 just in case you missed it.