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Update On The PHANTASM Remake Within!

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Way back in March of 2014 the world learned that a fifth installment would be happening within the PHANTASM franchise. The film will be titled PHANTASM: RAVAGER and it is directed by David Hartman with series creator Don Coscarelli supervising. Hardcore fans of the films grinned with joy upon the announcement but what about the possible remake idea?

The idea for a remake of PHANTASM has been going on for a while now. At one time New Line Cinema was trying to get a remake trilogy to take shape back in 2005 but it never took off.

Today we bring you an update on the subject as PHANTASM creator Don Coscarelli spoke with AITH about the possible remake saying:

"Nothing is ever off the table. You have a big casting hurdle there with Tall Man. Currently there's nothing planned, but if you had the right director, the right story, the right direction in terms of making something unique and still staying true to the spirit of the story. You know, all these years working on Phantasm, I'm like a Phantasm fan too, so I would go see it!"

With the final installment in the PHANTASM series approaching it's release, now may be the best time to take action on such an idea.

We will continue to bring you more on all things PHANTASM as they unfold.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Friday 3/11/2016 at 05:55 PM | 103979