i just got back from seeing this movie and had high expectations for it... sadly it didnt live up to them. the scares were all generic the gore was just "eh" and the movie seemed to drag on and on and on and on and on. on the upde the acting was fantastic but that wasnt enough to keep me from falling asleep about 75% in ... and ive NEVER fallen asleep during any movie (including avp requiem) IMO this movie deserves a 4/10 stars or 2/5 skulls or 5/20 feet of intestines ... however you guys rate these things lol
Friday 2/26/2010 at 10:30 PM | 62332
Im going to see it Sunday with one of the stars from the original, Lynn Lowry. She had a cameo in the remake.
The Crazies (original) was a killer film! I hope this one has SOME redeeming values!
ny ghoul
Saturday 2/27/2010 at 05:42 AM | 62342
Im going to see it Sunday with one of the stars from the original, Lynn Lowry. She had a cameo in the remake.
The Crazies (original) was a killer film! I hope this one has SOME redeeming values
Let us know what you think when you get back brotha E.
The trailer didn't do it for me
Saturday 2/27/2010 at 06:03 PM | 62364
I went to see this tonight and really enjoyed it actually.
More so than I thought I would.
But then again I am crazy.
~XOXO Sara
Sunday 2/28/2010 at 04:58 AM | 62445
I went with a bunch of my family and friends to see this Friday night and 7 out of 8 of us LOVED the movie!
I really really enjoyed it and thought it was very suspenseful and very well done.
I highly recommend this to everyone.
Monday 3/01/2010 at 05:08 PM | 62484
I've never seen the original, nor have I seen the remake but did like what I saw in the trailer for the remake. Should I bother with the original or should I just skip the original and watch the remake instead?
Tuesday 3/02/2010 at 07:54 AM | 62524
Johnny Bisco
Wednesday 3/03/2010 at 01:14 AM | 62547
Im going to see it Sunday with one of the stars from the original, Lynn Lowry. She had a cameo in the remake.
The Crazies (original) was a killer film! I hope this one has SOME redeeming values
Let us know what you think when you get back brotha E.
The trailer didn't do it for me
Well by the time we finished filming, had dinner and talked/laughed all night we had no time to see the film.
Lynn herself has not seen it yet (as she was here in NY) but she DID say that Romero told her he liked it BUT he felt they totally took away his socio-political commentary.
I will finally see it tomorrow lol. Most people I know seem to like it a lot.
ny ghoul
Wednesday 3/03/2010 at 07:48 PM | 62579
I saw it today and in my opinion, it was ridiculously boring.
I haven't seen the original though, so I'll check that out soon
Sunday 3/07/2010 at 03:42 AM | 62703
FINALLY saw it!
Timothy Olyphant was awesome, it was shot nice and the film had a good look. I was entertained and there was some thrills and scares but it felt subdued a bit. Maybe a directors cut dvd will come to be? I would have up'd the gore factor!!! Overall, pretty good.
ny ghoul
Thursday 3/11/2010 at 04:31 AM | 62906
I loved the original, SOOOO have to see this one. Kinda sux they took out GRs message. Still, when you think about it, damn near all Romeros works have social messages
Thursday 3/11/2010 at 07:48 AM | 62911
this movie was just okay.
Saturday 3/13/2010 at 08:37 AM | 62976