I thought I would share a little story with my fellow bros here at HorrorBid.
About 2 months ago, or so, I have been making a habit of viting my Local Pawn Shop with one thing in mind. I want to boost up my DVD collection. So I looked through the 4 for $10.00 bin and I either had or wasn't interested in what was there. I then made my way over to the higher priced movies. Most are priced between $5.00- $10.00 ranges. So I begin to look, and standing right before my eyes was the Halloween 30th AC Set. It was almost as if they were showcang it. I was marked $15.00 which wasn't a bad price, so I snatched it up, and I went home. I turned on the Blu Ray player, along with my Surround System, and then I searched for the Blu Ray disc, but I was no where to be found. Big Time Bummer. So I headed back, which was no problem because I live 2 minutes away. I told the guy behind the counter of my dilemma. He said he wasn't even aware that the set came with a Blu Ray disc. He then asked me if I'd still be interested in the set if he would drastically reduce the price. "How much?" I asked. "$5.00?" Needless to say I agreed. What a freaking score!!