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Why Doesn't Anybody Know This Guy!?

Okay, so sometimes we discover very unique things among the vast number of cultures and people in the world. Most of the time we just mply see them as cool or sweet, but we never really do anything else, although we know we should. I myself came across someone, someone who is indeed very unique. I was at first reluctant to speak to him, but in the end I’m very glad I did. His story could become one of greatness if the right things happened.

Being addicted to being online, I find myself up countless nights browng through the pages of the internet trying to find a way to pass the time. I log on here and at several other tes and yet I still search through Google, hoping to discover something unlike anything else. My last search was just that, I found a “tweet” up on “Twitter” by a young writer, which gained my interest. A mple message stating that he was working on a sequel script to “Freddy’s Dead” was enough to make me look him up and send him a message. Luckily for me he was online and willing to talk, because the things he said were something else.

Ideas like a film to allow Robert Englund to play Freddy Krueger one last time and show the birth of new evil, a very different take on the zombie apocalypse, a killer who is cursed to murder so he will suffer as he witnesses himself do it firsthand and many, many more ideas. This young man has ideas for years and although he wasn’t at liberty to say what was going on with some of his ideas, he did share some kills and story pieces. When asked how he went about his work, he mply said “I work in my own way, it’s not exactly like everyone else, but it works for me.” All I can say is that he can work how he wants because he has it down, I honestly believe he could become one of the next “Masters Of Horror” if he can get the asstance he needs. He however, feels as if it’s a longshot.

He told me that he dreamed of working with Wes Craven and Robert Englund (he is a huge fan) he wants to become an actor, writer and producer as well. He also said that he wished to bring about a new age of horror, with horror/ action films and films without all the mple little jumps but also with concepts so eerie that people everywhere would be afraid. “A lot of Hollywood horror has lost its luster,” he said. “If they want it back then some things need to change and other things that made horror great need to come back.” Very strong words, but I think very true as well. Let’s face it, he sounds like a pretty interesting guy, the question is “Why doesn’t anybody know this guy?” and I mean big names in the buness.

When I asked him if I may write about him, he said “of course, I don’t know how many people will be interested in this though.” I knew there was a reason he had said this, it turned out he almost gave up on his dreams. His name is Lester and he’s from a place called Bellefontaine, Ohio, which seems like nowhere as he told me. Only those who are amazing at sports or nging have a claim to fame in his town. He’s tried to find connections with no luck and without any backup in the buness it seems like thing young revolutionary thinker may not get anywhere, but he hasn’t let it dampen his spirit. “I have this driving force that’s getting tired, but won’t give up,” he said, “it pushes me to write and I can only hope something happens so I can work with the people I want.”

All I can say is that I hope he is discovered and that he can bring us his vions. It’s not everyday someone like Lester comes along and it really is a shame when they can’t share what they have in their imagination. He could be the next Wes craven in writing and the next Robert Englund in acting in my opinion. I hope he reads this and I will put up a link to his facebook so you can check him out. I wish you the best of luck Lester, you deserve to be heard!!! anybody wants to know anymore or is interested in seeing an interview just let me know.
That_guy Saturday 4/30/2011 at 09:04 PM | 75293