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HorrorBid welcomes new site and HBid News....

Guys please be sure to check out our friends at Film Fiends

They have just gned up to advertise on the forum and main te and we look forward in working with them in the future.

HorrorBid will be moving servers this week so please bear with us, I will have further details.

This is going to be a headache to say the least but it has to happen. We are growing at a very rapid pace and this move is a must. Thanks to all of you for hanging in there with us through this time.

Thanks, Justin

Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Wednesday 7/09/2008 at 03:21 AM | 15589
Server switches are definitely a pain in the butt for sure but still it's pretty exciting to know the te is growing so much to require it.

deathrisingup Wednesday 7/09/2008 at 03:45 AM | 15592
Kool Deal! Welcome aboard!!! Yes, it is nice to know we are growing bigger and bigger!!! --Ryan

Harry Warden Wednesday 7/09/2008 at 02:19 PM | 15595
Thanks for the heads up!

Welcome to the te filmfiends!
Evildsm Wednesday 7/09/2008 at 02:34 PM | 15596
Thanks for the intro Justin! It's appreciated. It's great to be a part of this te!
FilmFiends Sunday 7/13/2008 at 04:52 PM | 15817
Cool te... Welcome...

kweandee Sunday 7/13/2008 at 09:23 PM | 15834