What is it about teenagers that makes us crave to see them die? Is it the way they look, the fact they think they know everything, or the mple fact that when a movie series slips away from it's intended audience, it can always find a younger one.
So, let's talk about Final Destination 3, or as many people know it, that roller coaster disaster movie. We went from the idea of a plane blowing up, one that had not only children, but the mentally handicapped on it, to a pile up on the highway, completely with families and pregnant women, to a roller coaster, that little kids get kicked off of. Really? Right away from that mple fact, the movie doesn't t right.
It's a series about Death, how you can't truly stop it, and how no one is safe, so let's make this a Death Kills Teens movie now. Way to jump the shark, at least in my humble opinion.
The movie starts out at a carnival, we get introduced to our main character quickly, we know it's her cause she's the only one having bad feelings about the night. Before we get to the vion, we get introduced to all the other unlucky victims, the black jock, the dumb bitches, the goth kids, the pervert, etc. The problem with a movie like this just setting up stereotypes is mple, we won't care. I can honestly say the only character I cared about was the hot goth, and she gets her face nailed.
The gore in this one is amped up yet again, having people burned alive, head's crushed, car engines ran through heads, impaled, there's no shortage of ways to kill people it seems. The vion of the roller coaster crash alone was quite violent, I remember being surprised by what I saw when it was in theaters, mind you mine had it rated 14a so it would get the right audience in there.
Unlike the last movie, this one doesn't try to connect it in anyway to the other ones, except having them read about it online, to understand what's happening, instead of figuring it out on your own like Alex had to. Also, thankfully, this one gets rid of the mini vions of what's going to happen, and instead of having to keep an eye out for gns, they just have to look at the pictures that were taken earlier in the film. Pretty easy going in you ask me.
So with the acting, the characters, and the story of the series on a steady decline, it's clear that if it wasn't for the younger audience these movies wouldn't still be getting made, yet there's another on next month, and still another one left to review for tomorrow. Some how these movies keep coming and going, they're talked about when they drop, then are forgotten about all over again. It makes me wonder if Final Destination is my generation's movie series that never ends like Friday The 13th. I hope not.
Score - 65%
Gore - 10/10