Forums Horror Movie Talk
Sam Woolly (Original Fiction)

Have you heard the story of young Sam Woolly, took a knife and killed a bully. When ole' lady Miller wouldn't treat or trick, he put her down with a stick. Now he’s locked up good and tight, and dreams of killing every night. Some day soon they’ll set him free, and then his victim you may be.


"Cute," Jesca giggled as she ran her hand through her brown hair. "Did you make that up yourself?"

She was met with the bewildered stares of five sets of eyes. Her smile faltered and she looked from one pair of eyes to another. “What? What’d I say?”

“Don’t tell me you’ve never heard that,” Kevin said in disbelief. “Everyone knows the story of Sam Woolly.”

“You have to remember, Kevin, that she’s not from around here. Jess didn’t grow up in Glenford Falls so she doesn’t know all the stories,” Jerry reminded his friend.

The x friends had gathered together at Joe’s Joe, the popular coffeehouse of Glenford Falls, after school to discuss plans for their Halloween weekend. tting around the table were Jesca, Kevin, Kevin’s girlfriend Kara, Travis, Shantel, and Jerry. Jesca had moved to the Falls only a few months ago so this was going to be her first Halloween and her friends wanted to make it a special one for her.

“My bad,” Kevin said. “When you hear something all your life you sometimes forget that only people from around here know about it.”

“So what’s the story?” Jess asked. “Who’s Sam Woolly?”

“It’s a story we were told to scare us when we were kids,” Shantel said. She took a p of her coffee and set it back down on the low slate table tting between their seats. Shantel herself wasn't a native of Glenford Falls. Her parents had moved from Georgia when she was very young. Her father had started a buness with her uncle in town. Her uncle had always said it was the best thing to happen to The Falls because "now there were finally more than two African-Americans in town". Shantel had originally heard the story from her aunt when she was young. “Sam was the son of the devil that killed kids on Halloween and ate them like candy. A demon’s way of trick-or-treating.”

“That’s not the story.” Kevin shook his head. “Sam wasn’t the son of the devil; he was just a nine-year-old kid-“

“I heard he was seven,” Jerry said.

“I heard eight,” Kara said.

Kevin waved them off. “It doesn’t really matter. Anyway, Sam was just a kid. He went psycho because his parents locked him in the basement chained to a wall and fed him fish heads and rats. He broke out one day and killed a couple people.”

“He wasn’t tortured or anything like that,” Kara countered. “He just killed for the fun of it.”

“This is stuff your parents told you?” Jesca asked in shock. “That’s disgusting. What happened to stories of unicorns and knight and princesses?”

Jerry smiled and shrugged. “Welcome to Glenford Falls.” His blue eyes sparkled playfully.

“Your parents are twisted.”

“They may be twisted, but the story is true, just the facts are wrong.” All eyes were on Travis. The husky redhead usually carried a lent demeanor, but when he spoke everyone listened.

“So what’s the truth?” Jesca asked.

“Yeah, Trav.” Kevin brushed a few stray locks of brown hair out of his eyes. “What’s the true story of Sam Woolly?”

“First off, there is no Sam Woolly. His real name is Sam Lowry. It was changed just to make a rhyme. He wasn’t the son of the devil or a demon and he wasn’t tortured by his parents. He was just a regular kid.

“There was a local bully who liked to pick on Sam until one day, one Halloween, the bullying went too far and Sam snapped. He killed the bully then went to a house to trick-or-treat. When the woman at the house saw the blood on Sam she started to call his parents which made him mad and he killed her too.

“The cops found him tting in the lady’s house eating candy and hauled him up to St. Hellington’s Institute.”

Jesca hadn’t noticed until the end of the story that she’d been holding her breath. She let it out now in a low whoosh. The stories told by the others were disturbing, but they didn’t actually scare her like Travis’ did. She got the chills imagining the little boy killing another kid and a grown woman. It’s just a story, she told herself.

“Where’d you hear that at?” Kara asked.

“My grandpa. He was one of the cops who found Sam.”

"I didn't know your grandpa was a cop," Shantel said.

"He was Chief back then," Travis explained. "Sam was the last case he worked on before he retired. He said it was the most disturbing case he'd worked on."

“I can imagine,” Kara commented.“Yeah,” Jesca and Shantel agreed.

“Dude, that’s it!” Everyone turned to Jerry. “That’s what we’re going to do for Halloween.”

“What is?” Jess asked.

“We’re going to Sam’s house.” Kevin and Travis’ eyes lit up, but the girls didn’t look as excited at the prospect.

“What?” Shantel said. “I don’t think so.”

“Why not?” Jerry asked.

“Because, that’s dumb.”

“No, it’s not. Why is it dumb?”

“We don’t even know where his house is,” Kara said.

“I’m sure Travis could find out,” Kevin said. “You could ask your grandpa, right?”

Travis shrugged. “I probably could.”

“Why would you want to go his house anyway?” Kara asked. “It’s probably just a normal house now. Nothing haunted or anything.”

“She’s right,” Jesca agreed.

“Why you being so negative, babe?” Kevin asked his girlfriend. “Even if it is just a regular house it’s the birthplace of a local legend. The house where evil lived,” he said ominously, sending chills down Jesca’s arms.Even if it was just a normal house, it gave Jess the creeps to think about going there. To think that a kid used to live there that did go crazy and killed people. To be honest, Jess didn’t really like scary things. She preferred romantic comedies to horror movies, but with the way her friends and everyone else in Glenford Falls got excited about Halloween she didn’t have the heart to admit it. She didn’t want to be the buzzkill of the group.

“Stop that.” Kara punched Kevin’s arm.

“Come on. I’m just trying to put you in the mood.”

“So none of you want to go?” Jerry asked the girls. “We’ll just go see it, that’s all. Then after that we’ll have a party or something.”

Kara thought it over. “That wouldn’t be so bad. What do you think Shantel?”

“I guess not. How about you, Jess? This is your first Glenford Falls Halloween. We want to make it good.”

“I’m up for anything.” She hoped her nervousness couldn’t be heard in her voice.

“It’s settled then,” Jerry said. “Travis finds out where Sam lived and we pay it a little vit on Halloween night.”

“This is going to be great.” Kevin laughed and grinned.
Ed Reilly Thursday 9/15/2011 at 10:18 PM | 82803
Good stuff thus far...when can we expect more??
Anonymous Friday 9/16/2011 at 12:33 AM | 82807