Forums Horror Movie Talk
The Ultimate Question For Nightmare Fans!!

Well, as you all know, I am known for only ever posting about a young writer named Lester. He’s finally sending out some copies of his script “Nightmare on Elm Street; Rebirth of Evil” and well that got me thinking, what all the fans out there thought. His film is after all a sequel to the original films, however it’s easy to follow and would of course invite in tons of new fans, who would want to see the originals in time because of this film. So, this film would bring back original fans and new fans, plus his film has the capability to spawn two more films as well as giving the fans what they want. The only thing that’s going to be difficult is bringing back Englund, Craven and Langenkamp back together.

In doing this though, he would help skyrocket their amazing careers even further than they already are and in doing so, start his own career. On the money end of things, this film would be a powerful contender as well, All those names on one film after all this time and with new fans going back to the original films, this film alone would earn more than any remake ever could. The sequels, which Lester said would only happen if he wrote them, would earn even more on the series behalf. We’ve all heard about Lester and his idea and I’m sure most of us have at least seen the remake or have heard about it, which dawns the question, which would you rather see? Would you prefer a sequel to the remake or Lester’s sequel to the original series, which would spawn at least two more films?

Answer on the poll and show us what you think, but if you haven’t read any of the articles about Lester or heard him on the radio show, still up on this te, please do so. All the articles and the show can be found in my post’ so check them out. It’s time to share your thoughts and show you support. It’s never too late to make this happen and we the fans must stand up for what we believe in.

Please share your thoughts and as always, I wish Lester the best of luck!

P.S. For some reason the voting system is down, so please feel free to leave a comment with your answer.
That_guy Wednesday 10/12/2011 at 04:29 PM | 84804
Of course I must go with Lester's idea, I think it has a lot of capability and along with his drive, intuition and heart for this genre, he will do great things.
That_guy Friday 10/14/2011 at 04:13 AM | 85062