Forums Horror Movie Talk
What If: The Halloween Series Continued the "Curse" Storyline?

Okay, Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers isn’t the most popular installment in the series, hell, it’s probably one of the most hated as far as I know, but it sure fares a hell of a lot better than “Resurrection” and, in this writer’s humble opinion, much better than “H20”. Yeah, I said it. H20 sucks donkey balls, but I digress. I’m not here to bash that film (and I could all day). I’m here to throw a “What If” scenario at ya about another dubious Halloween title.

So…What if the Halloween series continued the “Curse” storyline?

The plot of “Curse” may be a convoluted heap of B.S. and confuon, but that’s not entirely the writer’s fault. Daniel Farrands, who is a fan of the series and understood the Michael Myers mythos, inherited quite a mess thanks to Halloween 5 director Dominique Othenin-Girad, who thought it would be a good idea to add the character of the “man in black” half way through shooting that film. Who the hell does that? And, more importantly, why the hell didn’t anyone bitch slap his ass out of the director’s seat? It happens all the time. Directors fail to deliver and they’re replaced, mple. Oh well, there I go wandering again.

So Daniel Farrands had to contend with the Man in Black storyline, deciding the character needed to be the leader of a super-secret underground cult. I get it. After all, the symbol of the rune thorn does appear on Myers’ wrist in Halloween 5. Remember the scene at the beginning of that movie, when Myers wakes from his year-long coma? Plus, the uber mysterious man in black also sports the thorn symbol on his wrist. So the plot of “Curse” was really almost unavoidable. Plus, director Joe Chappelle did some meddling of his own, further twisting Farrands’ vion. Don’t blame the writer; someone had to continue the mess of 5, and Farrands gave it an admriable approach, but alas, it was not meant to be a great film.

But it's not a terrible movie. Despiite everything, it's one of my favorites, if only because it's so off the wall.

I’m not sure what the particulars are concerning the reason why there are two distinct verons of this film, but I’ve seen them both. A few years ago a friend of mine got hold of the infamous “Producer’s Cut” which is a grainy mess, but this veron might actually be the better of the two. If only Dimenon would clean it up and release it for mass consumption. Oh well…

While there are two different verons of this film, the overall vibe of “Curse” has been described as “Halloween on acid”, which seems fairly accurate if you ask me. And nce the theatrical cut would most likely be the ending to go by, what would a sequel, keeping with continuity of the series, entail? Perhaps, in order to answer that, we would have to ask this question: What if the late great Donald Pleasance would have been alive for another sequel?

Obviously, the ending was changed for the theatrical cut because Mr. Pleasance had sadly passed away. He would have to be alive for a sequel following the “Producer’s Cut” ending, as he was inflicted with the rune thorn on his own wrist, suggesting he would have to continue overseeing Myer’s evil legacy.

So let’s take a trip back in time and pretend you are a fledgling writer given the chance to put together a script for the seventh Halloween film, and the producers want you to continue the storyline from “Curse”. What would you do? nce the producer’s clearly chose to abolish this thorn storyline and start fresh with the atrociously out of place H20 (it just doesn’t feel like a Halloween movie to me), you can pick either theatrical or Producer’s Cut and go from there. Pitch a sequel to either veron of “Curse”.

Would The Shape continue to pursue Tommy and baby “Steven”? What about Danny and his mother? Is Dr. Wynn a.k.a. the man in black dead or alive? Either way, does Michael have his mask? If you recall, no matter the veron, Michael Myers loses the mask. In the theatrical cut the mask is lying on the floor, but his body is gone. In the Producer’s Cut he trades outfits with Dr. Wynn. Seems to me the only thing the producers could have done was disregard “Curse” and start fresh, but this is a “What If”, remember?

So…What if the Halloween series continued the “Curse” storyline?

I first condered this question immediately after watching (the disappointing) H20 in theatres, coming up with a story harking back to “Curse” and tying them together. This would have been my “Resurrection”.

My film picks up directly where H20 left off. Laurie has the touching moment with “Myers” before decapitating him. She then swings the axe and his head goes flying. This is where we would need Jamie Lee Curtis back for that cameo. She blinks and snaps out of it. She had only imagined beheading him. Michael is still pinned between the van and tree, Laurie goes to swing the axe for real, but Michael catches it and twits it around and forces it into Laurie’s stomach.

He yanks her close and she says, “I’ll see you in hell.” For emphas he forces the axe blade deeper and she slumps over dead. We pick up one year later. Laurie’s son John has come to Haddonfield wanting to end Michael Myers. Reseraching his mom's connection to Myers, John meets Tommy Doyle, who is even more unhinged than his appearance in “Curse”. Tommy lays it all out for John, and wants to help John destroy Myers once and for all. Though John is reluctant, he eventually partners up with Tommy.

Meanwhile, “Steven” Jamie’s baby from “Curse” is x-years-old and creepy as hell, not unlike a young Michael Myers before he snapped back in ’63. He’s in a children’s hospital. Myers shows up. The power goes out. He kills a bunch of staff. The boy disappears. He is later picked up by police and put under the care of Loomis’s daughter (nce Donald Pleasance had already passed away when I came up with this little scenario). Loomis’s daughter is trying to reach this boy, who is quiet and just stares out the window, much like young Myers.

Somehow, John, Loomis’s daughter, and Tommy meet up. Tommy forces Loomis’s daughter at gunpoint to retrieve “Steven” from the children’s medical center he is being held. The four will ultimately end up at the old Myers’ house for the finale.

While this is going on, Danny and his mother are stalked by the Shape, who finally gets to both of them, tying up that loose end. Later, Tommy discovers their bodies, which drives him further over the edge, making him even more a loose cannon. Eventually Myers catches up with John and Tommy at the Myers’ house. Michael Myers kills Tommy in the front yard, and John slams an axe into the de of Myers’ head. A dozen cop cars pull up. Myers removes the axe from his head, pulling off the mask with it. He’s stunned and bleeding, but not out. At this point I’m not clear whether it would be a good idea to show his face, but I imagined it to look very milar to the mask itself. Blank and emotionless. Maybe even childlike, but scarred from the burns he suffered in Halloween II, of course.

Myers drops the bloody mask. He’s standing there, surrounded by a bunch of cops with guns drawn. Steven walks up to Myers and takes his hand.

Cut to Smith’s Grove sanitarium, the Day Room…

A bunch of mental patients enjoying some leisure time. We get a crazy guy who ts next to a patient with long hair. We only see this patient from behind. This crazy guy is talking to the patient, asking: “What are you in here for?”

The patient is running a finger along a gnarly scar on her stomach. The camera pans up to reveal Laurie Strode’s face. She’s looking pretty crazy. She looks at the other patient and says: “Waiting for my brother...” The screen goes black, cue the original Halloween theme.

In retrospect this little storyline probably isn’t that great, but I was 17 at the time, so sue me. This is just a very rough outline. Obviously the franchise has gone in another direction, and we are currently awaiting news on the next installment. Until then...

There’s my little contribution to this “What If?”

What’s yours?

the_vengeful_machete Wednesday 11/09/2011 at 07:02 PM | 86733
the_vengeful_machete Wednesday 11/09/2011 at 07:03 PM | 86734
Laurie Strode is NOT dead. Her death scene in 8 completely sucked. There were so many flaws. For instance, why the hell did she want to check to "Make sure"? Obviously if a masked man goes into your room, and is about to stab what he believes to be you, and has blood on his knife, and then follows you around, It would be stupid to think that it is another

innocent guy she would kill. If Laurie Strode is who she was in Halloween 1 and 2, then she would know better. Plus, for Michael to finally succeed in killing her after all of these years, why did he not go down to check on her? Why was it never mentioned later on in the movie? Nobody could even say, "Oh my God! Did you hear the news? Laurie Strode died." "I thought she died in a car crash." "She faked her death. She lived in fear for years that her brother is waiting for her." "Do you think Michael killed her?" "Who knows... They never found his body." Or something like that would have been good. So, I wrote a script about it. It's something that COULD lead to MICHAEL VS. JASON. I have written many Halloween scripts, in the hopes that I can make a Halloween movie one day, and be successful at it. When it comes to part 6, there isn't enough I could write about that would make sense. What if Dr. Wynn (The man in the black) had another secret? That secret being that he is the son of the mask maker in Halloween 3? That's how he was able to successfully control Michael Myers? Inde the mask, there could be a lver Shamrock logo. In part 4, the adopted parents of Jamie Lloyd can be in the Halloween x follow up, and be revealed as a relative to either Laurie or Jimmy from Halloween 2. Laurie was afraid to take a chance with adoption agencies, and so, she decided to have Jimmy's family take her child Jamie. Rachael could be revealed as her coun. The suspicion around Halloween 8's Sara being another of Laurie Strode's daughter obviously will not have happened yet, so, Jamie could STILL be the main focus, and, John will have been younger, and Jimmy took him in. Tommy Doyle would be a step in father for Danny, and by watching out for Jamie's Baby (until he is able to track down Laurie Strode by accident just happening to bump into her, and having flashbacks to when she babysat him. When he bumps into her again, he takes a chance and talks to her, and that's how he finds out. He manages to get her to come to a house not far from Haddonfield, and that's when things come full circle.)
darkerdays Wednesday 11/09/2011 at 11:24 PM | 86746
Wow, H20 sucked & did not feel like Halloween? haha you are very crazy dumbest thing i've heard, Myers in Halloween was a REGULAR guy for part 1 2 & 7 & felt the most Halloween before any other family members, thorn & him not being able to die H20 brought that original feeling back..And R.Zombie took him from being a 5 foot 180 pound person to a 6 foot 7 300 pound killing machine & that made more sense... But to get to the story i agree H666 curse should have been carried on to a hole other franchise but with no loomis it was put on hold then never took off and we'll never know what could have happened.
halloweensince78 Thursday 11/10/2011 at 03:48 AM | 86759
Ive always wanted to see that story line back again.....
chardy Thursday 11/10/2011 at 04:26 AM | 86760
Curse epitomizes all that is wrong with the worst of the Halloween series.

Give me H20 over that mess any day.
freakengine Thursday 11/10/2011 at 05:56 AM | 86767
I get it's all personal opinion on this page but I wholeheartedly disagree that H20 is a bad film. It certainly came the closest to the true Halloween original than any other sequel (bar part 2).

Personally, Halloween 6 is the opitomy of what went wrong in this series. Once they tried explaining the reason of why Michael Myers is evil just totally killed all mystery and eerie-ness of the character.

H20 went back to bacs, and I LOVED it for that
joshk1986 Thursday 11/10/2011 at 10:46 AM | 86780
I agree that H20 went back to bacs and that was probably the best direction for the series at the time, and may be the best direction for the series as a whole, but it (H20) had this generic vibe I just couldn't shake. This is strictly my humble opinion, but the movie feels contrived and is quite boring to me. I hate the mask(s) and lack of original theme muc. I count H20 and Resurrection as seperate entities even though they relate to the very first two. I just don't get any joy out of H20 and Resurrection. Sue me.

"Curse" is a convoluted mess to be sure, and the filmmakers (produers too) obviously didn't know what to do with it except ride it out and hope for the best, but I love off-the-wall movies, which is why I love "Curse" so much. I'm one of the few who will proudly defend Rob Zombie's Halloween II with a smile, which, many feel it also eptiomizes what is wrong with the series (or is it just bad film making?). I respect personal opinions. I love it when I can defend a movie that gets the haters stirred up. It makes for interesting and lively debates.

Go team go!!!
the_vengeful_machete Thursday 11/10/2011 at 01:16 PM | 86783
I personally LOVED H20, and i know people are going to hate when i say this, but I also LOVE Resurrection! I have no clue why but I love it! I wouldn't really like or love the idea of having another sequel of number x. But that is just my personal opinion!
zuzek1996 Friday 11/11/2011 at 02:23 AM | 86814
H20 was a good film but I agree that it was VERY diluted. It felt like a PG-13 edit of a Halloween film. I loved everything having to do with Laurie Strode/Kerry Tate. Her continued story was great! What I hated about H20 was the younger casts storyline. It was like watching I Know What You Did Last Halloween. Just boring. I didnt give a crap about any of those kids. The film suffers from being born in the era of SCREAM styled teen horror. It worked extremely well for SCREAM but it makes for a slow and boring Halloween film.

Halloween 6, ade from the thorn story, had that real Halloween feel to it. It, in my honest opinion, captures the feel of the first film like no other in the series. I found that to be refreshing.

As for my sequel to H6, I dont have much for a story but I too would love to have connected the film to H20. Ignoring the previous films, no matter the reason, feels like theres a big black smudge all over the franchise. I also dont think it would have been too difficult to have acknowledged the existence of Jamie Lloyds character as Laurie's daughter or thrown a reference or two from 4-6. Id love for someone to write an H20 prequel that ties the films all together somehow. At this point, thats probably an imposble feat but that would be my ideal tuation.
NorallecoN Friday 11/11/2011 at 06:27 AM | 86821
H20 was a good film but I agree that it was VERY diluted. It felt like a PG-13 edit of a Halloween film. I loved everything having to do with Laurie Strode/Kerry Tate. Her continued story was great! What I hated about H20 was the younger casts storyline. It was like watching I Know What You Did Last Halloween. Just boring. I didnt give a crap about any of those kids. The film suffers from being born in the era of SCREAM styled teen horror. It worked extremely well for SCREAM but it makes for a slow and boring Halloween film.

Halloween 6, ade from the thorn story, had that real Halloween feel to it. It, in my honest opinion, captures the feel of the first film like no other in the series. I found that to be refreshing.

As for my sequel to H6, I dont have much for a story but I too would love to have connected the film to H20. Ignoring the previous films, no matter the reason, feels like theres a big black smudge all over the franchise. I also dont think it would have been too difficult to have acknowledged the existence of Jamie Lloyds character as Laurie's daughter or thrown a reference or two from 4-6. Id love for someone to write an H20 prequel that ties the films all together somehow. At this point, thats probably an imposble feat but that would be my ideal tuation.

Yeah, I tried to connect H6 with H20 in my little fantasy outline above. Anyway, I did like the Laurie Strode/Kerry Tate elements of H20. Don't ask me why, but I always imagined she had faked her death before H20 even came out, so it was nice to see that element brought to the story. It's the whole "Scream" vibe that kills it for me, but I was 17 at the time, so my understanding of the Hollywood Machine was nil. Hollywood is trendy and tends to try to emulate or capitlize on the success of other miliar features, which is why they vomited Kevin Williamson's name all over H20, even though he did little more than consulting. So at the time I was confused and pissed. What the hell is this? It did have a very PG-13 feel to it. And don't get me started on the incluon of LL Cool J.

Plus, it was a bit of a slap in the face to disregard 4-6. Those are important films and they could have done anything with the storyline had they the common sense God gave a piss ant. H20 is one of those film's that could have been...but was--for me--an epic fail!!!

And perhaps the ultimate gaffe inflicted on the series (H6 particularly) was the ousting of Danielle Harris. For shame Deminon. For shame...
the_vengeful_machete Friday 11/11/2011 at 01:27 PM | 86832
H20 was a good film but I agree that it was VERY diluted. It felt like a PG-13 edit of a Halloween film. I loved everything having to do with Laurie Strode/Kerry Tate. Her continued story was great! What I hated about H20 was the younger casts storyline. It was like watching I Know What You Did Last Halloween. Just boring. I didnt give a crap about any of those kids. The film suffers from being born in the era of SCREAM styled teen horror. It worked extremely well for SCREAM but it makes for a slow and boring Halloween film.

Halloween 6, ade from the thorn story, had that real Halloween feel to it. It, in my honest opinion, captures the feel of the first film like no other in the series. I found that to be refreshing.

As for my sequel to H6, I dont have much for a story but I too would love to have connected the film to H20. Ignoring the previous films, no matter the reason, feels like theres a big black smudge all over the franchise. I also dont think it would have been too difficult to have acknowledged the existence of Jamie Lloyds character as Laurie's daughter or thrown a reference or two from 4-6. Id love for someone to write an H20 prequel that ties the films all together somehow. At this point, thats probably an imposble feat but that would be my ideal tuation.

I completely agree with your opinion on H20. I loved that they brought back Laurie, but the teens put her potentially great story to a halt. When I think of my favourites in the series, I don't think of H20. In the end, I enjoyed Halloween 6 more, and it definitely had the Halloween atmosphere.
A.Silent.Hill Friday 11/11/2011 at 07:21 PM | 86849
I always liked Halloween 6, and part 5 for that matter (a bunch of people didn't like the way Michael looked in 5, but am I the only one who hated how he looked in 4?). And yes, I am not a fan of Rob Zombie's films, but I do not want to get into that.....H20 was okay, in my opinion. It could have been better, could have been worse. That said, I don't like where the movies keep going. Just have Michael stalking different teens would do.
Nick Death Saturday 1/07/2012 at 02:08 PM | 89094
Take Jamie Lee Curtis out of H20 and tell me if it would still be a "better" Halloween installment...IMO. She's the only reason people are saying it's comparable to the first two. I'm with the majority disliking Ressurection, but I'll choose Curse over H20 anyday. "MICHAELLLLLLLL!!!!!!" LOL
littlewayn13 Sunday 1/08/2012 at 02:51 AM | 89107
Take Jamie Lee Curtis out of H20 and tell me if it would still be a "better" Halloween installment...IMO. She's the only reason people are saying it's comparable to the first two. I'm with the majority disliking Ressurection, but I'll choose Curse over H20 anyday. "MICHAELLLLLLLL!!!!!!" LOL

Yes but H20 would be a redundant film without Laurie Strode as the whole film is about her, not Michael which is why I think 99% of fans love it. It's Jamie Lee Curtis's return that makes us fans so happy with H20
joshk1986 Monday 1/09/2012 at 08:23 AM | 89169