Forums Horror Movie Talk

Here you go people....starting at 9.99...
HorrorSanctum Saturday 9/06/2008 at 04:56 AM | 18367
Anyone who does not own one of these, SHOULD!!! Very Realistic and now I Officially own my First peice from HSS!!! I purchased one of these and just got it in about 4 days ago. It was my first time seeing Sam's work in person and I must say I can see why Everyone loves it so much!!! Excellent Detail in paint and Craftsmenship!

Des you said you wouldn't mind owning a Pam... Here's a golden Oppertunity!

Very Good start off bid Sam!!! --Ryan

Harry Warden Saturday 9/06/2008 at 05:01 AM | 18368
I decided to become your first bidder

LOL I hadn't even seen this yet Ryan...
kweandee Saturday 9/06/2008 at 05:39 AM | 18371
COME ON PEOPLE!! 25.00 ???
HorrorSanctum Sunday 9/07/2008 at 06:27 PM | 18478