First and foremost, a big thanks to all of our listeners out there! While we’re not able to directly track statistics through iTunes, we’ve managed to get a full bar popularity rating (and a boatload of potive feedback), and we owe that to you, the listener, and Texas Battle, our first official guest appearance, for taking the time to talk with us. As you may have noticed, it’s been a few weeks nce the first show. We apologize for the delay, but we’ve had some crazy scheduling issues that have kept episode two a fantasy rather than reality. We’ve climbed those hurtles, and we’re back on track with some cool topics and great guests in store for you.

Next week, we’re aiming to get two shows out to you; if the scheduling falls fully into place as I believe it will, that’s a guarantee. Worst case scenario, we’ve got episode 3 locked, though slightly delayed. First up, on Tuesday, episode two will go live with guest, Reggie Lee, who stars in the new hit televion series, Grimm, though many hardcore horror fans will likely associate Mr. Lee with Sam Raimi’s, Drag Me to Hell. We'll be discusng Grimm, as well as what's in store for the talented actor. And who knows, maybe we'll get lucky and squeeze a detail or two from Lee about the upcoming Dark Knight Rises, Christopher Nolan's third Batman film.I’d disclose some more episode details, but you’ll have to wait for the official release, which will hit you Bidites smack in the face come Sunday.

Also set to speak with us is Scott Glosserman, the genius behind one of the finest slasher flicks to see release inde the last few decades, Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon. Yes, it’s definitely safe to assume we’ll be discusng Les, and the forthcoming follow-up, which looks to serve as a prequel to Behind the Mask, Before The Mask: The Return of Leslie Vernon.
Keep the ‘Bid bookmarked, and be sure to swing by Sunday to get an updated release for episode two, and more details on episode three!