(NOTE: This review was written by the one and only DaShape (Joel Fenner) who was HorrorBid before there was HorrorBid. Enjoy it because Joel rarely ways in on films these days, a rare treat and one that you may or may not enjoy depending on your feelings of the film.)
I actually enjoyed this one.
Right before I walked out the door to head off to the theater I saw a 5% rating on rotten tomatoes and it almost stopped me. However I thought, "there have been other movies out there that I've completely disagreed with the critics on so maybe there's a chance I'd like it".
Maybe it was because I had such low expectations but I still find the current 8% rating WAY too harsh. Is this the best movie ever made? No. Is it the best horror movie ever made? No. It's not even the best demon posseson movie but it's still a good movie with descent scares and interesting story. In the end, did I feel like I wasted my money? No. Then, mison accomplished.
I've read countless complaints about the ending and I can see how some people didn't like it however I found the finale VERY realistic. If there was this "Found Footage" of an incomplete documentary it would end just like that . . . without an ending. Why? Because the filmmaker died and so it wouldn't have a real climax and resolution. However, it wouldn't have hurt to give the audience a little text sequence explaining what happened to everybody after the car crash with lines like, "No bodies were ever found" or "All involved in the car accident were found dead". Anything would have been better than what they gave us . . . which was nothing at all. Luckily I've snapped out of Hollywood's brainwashing of the American moviegoer and I don't HAVE to have a three act structure, climax, resolution to feel good about a movie.
Still, one of my friends pointed out the back story to the "Ben" character. Throughout the movie the demons keep provoking Ben and bring up his past. I didn't put two and two together at first. Early on Ben said he had been to 4 exorcisms but had only conducted/helped with one. It was obvious, Ben had been a victim of demon posseson and had killed his mentor uncle. This explains his dere to help others with milar experiences and why he is so willing to defy the catholic church.
I could complain about a few things (like why would the hospital leave the daughter and camera man in a closed room with an insane women without somebody else in there with them) but I think the critic's reviews MORE than covered all of this.
Again, I think many of the reviews on rotten tomatoes are unfair, unjustified, desentized and biased - WHICH IS COMPLETELY FINE BECAUSE EVERYBODY IS ENTITLED TO THEIR OPINION ABOUT FILM - but don't expect an objective summary of the movie if you like ung that te to help you determine if a film is worth seeing or not.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Sunday 1/08/2012 at 12:49 AM | 89103
I made the mistake of seeing this one. Not to sound like a complete asshole, but I would recommend anyone and everyone ignore this review - to be completely honest. This is like a movie, that just... ISN'T a movie. It feels like bits and pieces of attempted shock, tossed in with a whole lot of schlock. And, when you read this gents indicator that the film lacks a finale - thats NOT an exaggeration of ANY sort - there is quite literally NO FINAL ACT. But, hey how about they plug a webte to go to. Yes, thats right, the big concluon is bacally "go check out this webte to see how shit wraps up". This one was a complete gimmick film with, as I suspected a lot of lame attempts at shocking viewers. There are a few sequences that feel creepy, the rest are failed and MISERABLY predictable jump scares. I mean MISERABLE - the setup is coming and you think to yourself "here comes the lame jump scare"; on cue, boom, there's the jump scare. completely baffling, completely heartless, and a total, complete ripoff. If you feel like throwing a ten dollar bill in the toilet, see this movie. If you're tired of horribly lame attempts to shock audiences, avoid this one like the plague.
I really can't even express how disappointing this film truly is. The complete absence of a finale left my jaw hanging open: literally. I thought I was having a joke played on me, and the film would resume and bring concluon after a moments hetation, but no, there's no climax; these "filmmakers" felt it would be a fine idea to omit the most important aspect of the film, and as a consumer, I felt extremely cheated, and genuinely angry. I finished this flick, and I was honestly PISSED OFF.
I've been seeing the negative reviews pop up the last two days, and I can completely, completely assure you, this time around, the GENERAL CONSENSUS IS 110% CORRECT.
This one ranks right there with Creature in terms of being absolutely terrible. There's a hint more promise in this one, but its so slight it's embarrasng. We're a week into 2012 and I've already got a SOLID pick for worst genre flick of the year.
I'm still pissed off that I went against my gut and checked this one out. HORRIBLE BURN.
Spend your ten bucks buying a few beers and stare at a white wall, it's probably more stimulating, and at least you know ahead of time that there's zero payoff to be found.
Sunday 1/08/2012 at 02:00 AM | 89104
Not to sound like a complete asshole, but I would recommend anyone and everyone ignore this review - to be completely honest. .
Wow Matt, thanks for the support. It's one thing to ignore somebody's opinion but another to recommend everybody blow it off as well.
Why can't they see the film and judge it for themselves? Maybe it's a good thing I don't review movies anymore nce they are obviously not welcome here. Sad day.
Sunday 1/08/2012 at 03:22 AM | 89108
Not to sound like a complete asshole, but I would recommend anyone and everyone ignore this review - to be completely honest. .
Wow Matt, thanks for the support. It's one thing to ignore somebody's opinion but another to recommend everybody blow it off as well.
Why can't they see the film and judge it for themselves? Maybe it's a good thing I don't review movies anymore nce they are obviously not welcome here. Sad day.
Don't take that the wrong way brother. I'm CERTAIN I could have said that in far better and wiser fashion. I DO NOT mean to shit on your opinion; you are 100% entitled to that, and I'm not trying to disrespect you in the slightest. My apologies for not choong my wording a lot better; I do respect the opinions of 99.9% of reviewers/critics/fans/bloggers/etc, unless they've completely betrayed me numerous times in the past. You have not, and I do respect your stance.
I think I may have honestly taken out my frustration with the film out on this thread; not really fair on my behalf at all... I just felt so damn cheated.
Again brother, apologies; I encourage you to stick around and continue contributing, please.
Sunday 1/08/2012 at 03:49 AM | 89110
Well I can unapologetically say this movie was crap and Matt's initial response was dead on. The groan in unison at the end of this film from the audience and that ck feeling in the pit of your gut that says, "Well, you've been ripped off again!" is completely dead on. It's the way I felt at the end of "The Last Exorcism" except even less entertaining.... The whole movie was building to a climax that never came. It was crap and it was all the potive reviews that lead me to believe this movie would be worth spending the $12.50 X 2 plus another $20 on popcorn and 2 large sodas. Let me be blunt.....
Like the little girl says to the two brats at the start of "American Horror Story" warned, "You're gonna wegret it!". Indeed they did and indeed you will too.....
Sunday 1/08/2012 at 04:34 AM | 89111
A healthy debate is always warranted. Matt I appreciate the response to Joel's review and as I always say, films are subjective but I do understand when you feel like you were burned with a film. Creature was that film for me and I went overboard and probably offended some people. I think debating whether this is a good film or not is crucial, especially because many are on the fence on whether to see it or not. But at the end of the day, it made 19 million on its opening night, and is projected to make over 30 million after the weekend. Regardless if it is good or not the marketing campaign worked. Credit has to be given to them for that. Creature was a horrid movie but at least no one went to see it. Let the debating continue,
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Sunday 1/08/2012 at 05:42 AM | 89113
Reason for the open ending is because if this does well at the box office (which it looks to do), this will be turned into a franchise, ala, Paranormal Activity. I personally gave this film a "C"
Sunday 1/08/2012 at 06:46 AM | 89115
Well I was on the fence about seeing this one and after reading Matt's honest opinion of it I am definitely skipping this one.
The trailers made it look so tight and scary though.
What happened?
Sunday 1/08/2012 at 03:47 PM | 89120
Reason for the open ending is because if this does well at the box office (which it looks to do), this will be turned into a franchise, ala, Paranormal Activity. I personally gave this film a "C"
I can see your comparison, but at least PA gave us SOMETHING. A good franchise set up and follow through should, in my opinion, showcase films strong enough to stand alone, yet carry a quality continuity that works for the franchise set up and continuation. This one just...skipped the whole finale. Still completely and utterly baffled. I VERY, VERY rarely go against my gut on a film (unless its asgned to cover) and when I do, I really like to be proven wrong and receive a piece of quality work. When I go against my gut, and my gut regurgitates some tasty stomach acid after the experience is over due to its displeasure with my lack of trust, it sucks ass.
I could have put ten dollars worth of gas in my car instead of wasting it on that shit lol
Sunday 1/08/2012 at 04:39 PM | 89121
I know I am jumping into a thread a few days without a post but wanted to toss my opinion in. I am in the minority here but I completely agree with DaShape here. I found the movie well made, entertaining, thought provoking and I was a huge fan of the ending. It ended exactly how I thought it should. There shouldnt be a resolution for this type of movie. Everyone died, that was the resolution. It was a found footage movie. It was what I was expecting and I wasnt disappointed.
Monday 1/16/2012 at 10:07 PM | 89584
i just bought this movie yesterday... ill watch it tonight and give you my opinion on it. I saw it in theatres but that was a while ago.
Wednesday 7/04/2012 at 08:23 PM | 94363