Before J.Michael Muro worked on the camera crew for James Cameron's Titanic,
he directed and shot this beautiful piece of 80's horror sleaze! STREET TRASH.
So what and who is the Cine-Masochist? Well me obviously, but it's a show that's main focus is celebrating bad movies instead of bashing them.
If you love 80's action/slashers and exploitation films then this should be right up your alley!
The link to my youtube channel in my gnature features a playlist of all my other episodes (18 thus far, some are...questionable in quality, but I enjoy showing my progress)
And for those that are curious (and if it isn't obvious) Zinema stands for z-grade cinema, it's a word i've used to describe these kinds of films for years, so I throw it into my videos to establish a little more originality. Help Zinematica productions grow with your love for bad movies.