Forums Horror Movie Talk
Cabin at Lake Send... or is it Lakes End?

“ Cabin at Lake Send” Written By Jeremy King

Jeremy L. King Wooster, OH 44691 330-464-4661 FADE IN: EXT. HEAVILY WOODED BLACK ROAD- MID AFTERNOON A blue trail blazer drives down a dirt road. INT. OF THE VEHICLE

Two newlyweds and a dog lying on the backseat are driving down an isolated road through a thick forest. The man MIKE in his mid twenties is behind the wheel. And the lady also in her mid twenties ALISHA looks down at her wedding ring on her finger.

ALISHA “I’m so excited about this! This cabin is supposed to be really nice, but I haven’t been there in years. The wedding was so nice it was a really good turnout.” MIKE “Oh, yeah it was! It was awesome. I was surprised your uncle didn’t drink as much,” (Mike chuckles quietly) “So how much longer am I on this road?” ALISHA (Looking at a notebook with directions wrote on them) “Well according to dads directions we just turn off at the gn for the lake… And it’s about a quarter a mile after the lake.” They continue to drive through the forest and come up too several police cars and an ambulance. They are potioned on the right de of the road, and an officer flags them to go around. It appears a car has slid off the road down into a deep ravine.

Alisha’s POV- There are brake marks and a trail going off the road. As they are driving pass it Alisha sees two paramedics loading a body covered with a white sheet on a stretcher into the ambulance.

BACK AT THE ACCCIDENT- The officer who flagged them to go around is facing the way they just passed and turns around as they pass with a questioning look on his face. Nothing more is made of this action.

BACK TO INT. of trail blazer, ALISHA “That’s so sad.” They continue to drive for another few minutes and turn left at a gn that reads: Lake Send 2 miles.

The camera zooms up to the gn and pauses on it for a moment. The gn is old and wooden, years of poor repair and weather have taken its toll and began to make rot the wood. BACK TO- INT. OF TRAIL BLAZER- Alisha and Mike are laughing and enjoying a conversation about their trip to a haunted house last October and are interrupted by a news bulletin that catches their attention. Radio Announcer (V.O.) “From the King Doppler Radar weather center in Lake Township, a severe thunderstorm watch is in effect for all local areas until 11 pm tonight. Weather may produce dime ze hail and gusts up to 45 miles per hour. Please take proper pre-cautions to avoid damages to property.” They continue to drive and as they arrive to the cabin it is just beginning to sprinkle.

The cabin is amazing. The outde has a complete wraparound porch with sliding glass for front doors the North and a stair case that leads down to a path that leads to the forest on the south de. The front porch is covered and has a swing blowing back and forth in the light breeze. (Homage to evil dead swing scene). Mike and Alisha grab a few book bags out of the back of the car and run up to the porch to get cover from the rain. Alisha pulls the ngle key from her pocket and unlocks the door.

As the key slides into the chamber a flash of a blood covered bedroom with a decayed corpse tting upright in the bed smiling flashes on the screen.

The front door swings open and Alisha steps in and sets down the bag of groceries, duffel bag of clothes and a small bag of dog food.

INT. DARK CABIN- The only light vible is through the front door and the little light that is shining through the windows. Dark rain clouds also make the room seem gray and ominous.

ALISHA (Shivering) “BRR! Boy it sure is cold in here. Someone must have left the windows open last time they were here. It’s never this cold.” MIKE (Shudders)

“Jeez, hell yeah it’s cold in here. I’m going to get a few more things out of the car, bring Max in and I’ll start a nice fire to cuddle up too. Ok?” Alisha agrees and while Mike turns back to the blazer she turns on a light switch and begins to examine the living room. There’s a couch against the wall, an old fashion wood burner, a painting of the cabin there in and a few other stands and pieces of furniture. Straight ahead past the living room area is the kitchen. Later that evening, as they are lying by the firede with the storm pounding on the windows they begin to kiss softly and romantically. Alisha smiles at Mike and they make their way up to the bedroom. FADE OUT: As they are walking up the stairs. FADE IN:

The next morning they are eating breakfast.

MIKE “Well, what are you want to do today love? I was thinking about taking Max on a run around the lake and checking out the scenery, nce it’s “so amazing.”” Mike says imitating Alisha with a smile. ALISHA “You’re so funny,” She sarcastically says and leans in to kiss him, “Well, while you do that I guess I’ll go and take some photos. See if the editor will like them or at least humor me and pretend to like them.” MIKE “He’s a dick. He doesn’t even deserve that job. Why doesn’t your boss fire him if he’s such a pain?” Mike asks and takes a p of coffee and a bite of his toast. ALISHA “I don’t know but I’m giving him another week and if he doesn’t start publishing my photos that I’ve worked so hard on getting then I’m going to go to management. I take the best photos and I get nothing for them. It’s a nature magazine and I have been told by numerous people there that my photos should be award winning. But of course no one can see them because of a little spoiled rich boy who thinks his wife’s photos of corn stalks are so much better than mine.” Mike “Well do what you have to do baby.” He encourages as he puts their empty plates into the nk. They both go upstairs to change and come back down. Alisha puts her camera on the table and Mike whistles and calls for Max, he comes running down stairs. Mike says goodbye and gives Alisha a kiss before grabbing the leash and heading out the door. As he walks down the yard Alisha is watching him from the kitchen window with a loving smile on her face and turns to grab her camera. CUT BACK TO MIKE- EXT. - WOODS

Now starting to sweat indicating that he has been running for a bit. Mike slows down to a walk and Max does the same. A further down the path Max starts to sniff vigorously and growl towards an overgrown patch of weeds and brush. Max darts off in the direction and disappears through the thick debris. MIKE “MAX! Get back here! (Whistles) MAX! God damn it Max!” Mike chases Max after several failed attempts of calling him back. He pushes vines and brush down and stumbles upon an overgrown old style graveyard. The graves are mostly wooden crosses or worn out cracked stone with only names craved into them.

MIKE “What the hell…”

Mike walks around bewildered by the graves.

From a distance Mike hears several children laughing and spins around. It’s as if the laughs and whispers are coming from all around him. He frantically looks around and sees nothing. Suddenly, a child like arm pops out of the ground and grabs Mikes left ankle and he stumbles over it and falls. Mike looks at the ground and the arm is gone. He screams for Max again and Max comes out from behind some trees.

MIKE “Max! Come on boy! Let’s get out of here…” Mike and Max go back to the trail and jogs back in the direction of the cabin. Just as they are arriving Alisha is tting down on the porch swing with a glass of tea and her camera. She starts to say something but stops when she notices that Mike seems pale and shaken by something. EXT. CABIN PORCH ALISHA “Honey, are you ok? What’s wrong love?” MIKE (Trying to play it off)

“What? I’m just tired. I had to chase down Max after he ran off. Other than that I’m fine…”

Alisha looks at him with an unbelieving look. MIKE (CONTINUING) “Really, I’m fine baby. Did you get any good pictures?”

Mike smiles.

ALISHA “Rrriiigggghhhhhttt. Well I did get some good pictures of trees and insects. I got an amazing picture of a mama bird feeding its babies some bugs,”

She begins to show Mike her pictures on the camera and rests her head on his shoulder when he ts by her.


“There were also some really cute kittens playing with each other. I wanted to bring them back so badly but when I got close the mama started hisng at me. So I just let them be.”

MIKE “Aw! They were cute… haha,” Mike keeps panning through the pictures. “Oh, wow. I like this one of the spider web!” ALISHA “Yeah I like that one too! I saw that and the way the sun was shining through it in the background… I thought it was so beautiful! This has got to be published.” MIKE “Definitely… That’s nice. So, what you want to do for lunch?” FADE OUT FADE IN- EXTERIOR OF CABIN- MIKE TRYING TO KEEP A FIRE LIGHT. Later on that evening/late afternoon Mike is trying to get a fire started down by the fire pit (and by the look on Alisha’s face) not very successfully. There are several logs in T.P. fashion around several pieces of paper and its smoldering. Mike keeps shoving paper under the TP of wood to no avail. Alisha sees that Mike’s fire is going nowhere.

Alisha “Uh… ahem. Baby, I think we should just start the grill. We don’t really need a fire to cook a few hot dogs.” Mike “Alisha…” Mike stands up as if he is about to give her a speech. “See man has been ung fire to cook food nce the dawn of time. Cavemen who couldn’t even speak proper words used fire. I think a man of my intellect can start a mple fire.” Mike jokes as he bends over and begins adjusting the logs. “It just needs a little more air going under the logs. Why don’t you go in and get the beans and other stuff ready and by the time you come back out ill have a roaring fire ready ok?” Alisha “If you say so Mr. Caveman…” Alisha walks back up the hill to the cabin and walks in the kitchen door. As soon as she disappears into the cabin a young boy about 6 or 7 with a baseball cap on and shorts and a baseball shirt walks out of the forest and notices Mike. The young boy begins to walk toward Mike. Mike doesn’t notice the boy until he is several feet away.

Mike jumps, startled by the boy. MIKE (Confused also relieved) “Hey… Are you lost little boy?” BOY “No.” MIKE “Well can I help you with something? Where are your parents?” BOY “They are around.” MIKE “Well do they know where you are? Or that you left?” The boy just stands there looking at the sparks of fire that Mike has finally got to start. MIKE “Finally… Well where you and your family staying at champ? I’ll have my wife walk you back if you need her too…” BOY “No thanks. I have to leave now… Bye.”

The boy turns and runs back to the forest and disappears in the brush, not before turning back and waving bye to Mike. Standing there with a questioning look on his face is once again taken by surprise. This time by his wife who has walked up behind him without his notice. ALISHA “What are you looking at?” MIKE “Huh? Oh uh… This little boy just came out of the woods and… (Mike swallows) was kind of creepy.” ALISHA “Really? Well I’ll have to ask with mom when we get back but, I think this is the only cabin for a few miles on this de of the lake… Maybe they found a clearing we don’t know about and set up camp. They must be really roughing it.” She says with a smile. “Anyways the beans are cooking, should be done in a few.” MIKE “OK, well I got this friggin fire going. I’ll put the hot dogs on when it starts roaring good. See I told you I could start one. Me hungry. Me want meat. Me want you, Jane.” ALISHA (She says with a wink and a smile) “Sorry Mr. Caveman. Jane’s sleepy tonight. You’re gonna have to use old righty tonight.”


“Oh, yeah? Well seems like someone’s going to be sleeping on the couch tonight then. I’ll put the blankets and pillows out for you.” Alisha chuckles. ALISHA “Well we’ll have to see about that.”

She walks back into the house and Mikes smile fades as he looks over to the spot the young boy disappeared into…

INT- BEDROOM- LATENIGHT Alisha and Mike are sleeping in the bed when Mike is awakened by a stirring down stairs. Mike looks at the clock and its 1:22. Trying not to bother Alisha, Mike removes the big comforter and gets out of bed.

INT- CABIN LIVING ROOM The full moon shines bright through the front windows casting a gray/white light over the entire living room. Mike makes his way down the stair case and when he reaches the bottom step he stands there in complete lence. Nothing is heard. He stands there waiting for the noise to happen again.

He finally hears it again. It sounds like a crunching of bones or a bunch of twigs snapping all at once. It is coming from the basement.

He makes his way pass the kitchen to the old cellar door.

INT- CELLAR- LOOKING UP TOWARDS THE CELLAR DOOR The door creaks as Mike pulls it open slowly, hetantly, as if afraid.

He carefully makes his way down the old creaky stairs. He reaches the bottom and stares into the darkness of the cellar, and shivers. The moon light shines through a few windows barely casting light. Beyond the moon light there is no other light. Mike fumbles around and pulls a string to turn on a ngle dim light bulb.

Mike hears the snapping crunching sound again but this time slurping and gurgling is heard as well, and turns to the direction and sees a door.

Mike walks to the door and slowly turns the handle.

CLOSE UP OF MIKES HAND TURNING THE HANDLE. He opens the door and a ray of moon light is shining on his wife. At first her back is towards the camera until Mike puts his hand on her shoulder and she turns around. Alisha is hunched over an owl and tearing into it with her mouth. The owls’ indes are strewn out over the floor, over her mouth and her night gown. Parts of the owls’ intestines are still hanging from her mouth.

MIKE “ALISHA, WHAT THE FUCK?!” He can barely get the words out over gagging. She turns her neck around more than a human neck posbly can without breaking and looks at him. Her eyes are dilated white; her teeth are now razor sharp. She instantly pounces on him before he can get out of the room. She ts on him, straddling him and dry humping him and talks to him. DEMONIC ALISHA “Oh, baby. You’re such a strong man. You take care of my every need. I love you Mikey… Oh Mikey…” She teases him saying sexual erotic things. “I love the way you pound my pussy baby. God I want you to fuck me now.” Mike has a terrified look on his face and Alisha notices. Her face turns normal. DEMONIC ALISHA “Babe, what’s wrong? I thought you loved me?”

Suddenly, she bares her teeth and her face goes demonic again and she leans into Mike’s neck and rips a chunk of flesh out. She leans back with her face towards the ceiling and begins laughing manically and begins to ride Mike. He reaches for his neck to stop the bleeding and there is no blood. Mike opens his eyes and he’s alone. Alisha, the blood, and the gutted owl everything he just witnessed is gone.

He stands up and checks his neck again and hand for blood but there is none. He runs out of the room and back upstairs to the bedroom and finds his wife still sleeping right where she was when he left the room. He steps out of the room and leans back against the hallway wall and takes a big breathe and shakes his head in disbelieve.


The bathroom light comes on and Mike walks to the faucet and splashes cold water on his face and looks into the mirror. MIKE “Wow… That was some crazy shit.”

Mike goes back into the bedroom and carefully gets back into bed.

DREAM SEQUANCE- EXT. - WOODS Mike is sprinting through the woods, the camera right behind but a little above him. As he is running we see a dark figure like a shadow (or the smoke figure in ABCs Lost) chang right behind him. He keeps looking behind him and jumping over logs trying to lose it but it keeps its pace and eventually knocks Mike over onto his stomach. Mike screams and suddenly jerks out of his dream.


He looks around with bags underneath his eyes. For some reason Mike is now on the living room couch. Forcing himself to get up Mike exhaustedly walks up the stairs to check on his wife. Things seem a little different now. Something’s off. Maybe its weird camera angles or different kind of tint or colors, but something is definitely different. Mike makes his way down the hall way and behind his right shoulder we see the Demonic Alisha. He notices his breath and Mike spins around and she is gone. Mike shakes his head and grabs the door knob to the bed room and opens the door.

INT. BEDROOM- MORNING He walks into the bed room and everything is covered in blood, the alarm clock, the dresser, the head board to the bed, the pictures on the walls and the walls themselves. Mike pans the room and the image of everything flashes (like the scene from From Dusk Till Dawn where George Clooney is looking at the banker lady his brother murdered). In the middle of the bed under the covers is a blood soaked outline of a body. Mike runs to it and pulls back the cover and again jerks out of his sleep. This time Alisha is already up making breakfast. INT. KITCHEN/LIVING ROOM- MORNING

ALISHA (With a concerned tone) “Mike, you ok honey? Why did you come down here last night?” MIKE “Yeah…” Mike hetantly answers, rubbing his eyes trying to wake up. “Just haven’t got a good night’s sleep nce we’ve came here. Guess I’m not used to such fresh air,” he jokingly answers. “I’ve been having weird dreams too…” ALISHA “You wanna talk about them?” Mike finally gets up from the couch and walks to the table and takes a seat after pouring himself a cup of coffee. Alisha had already put a plate and lverware on the table for him.

MIKE “No I’m fine. Thanks though. What… What’s on the agenda for today? I was thinking about going fishing at the lake some time.” ALISHA “Well that’s just perfect because I was going to see if you wanted to go swimming at the lake. Maybe pack a little lunch. Go walking around and check the trails out and swim and fish.” MIKE “Well hell yes baby. That sounds great. I’m going to shower before we go though. I was sweating like crazy down here.” ALISHA “I’m gonna take one after you so just leave the water running.” INT. HALLWAY- AFTERNOON A little later that morning Mike is coming back down the stairs, hair wet indicating he has just got out of the shower. We assume Alisha is now in. Mike starts packing the lunches and the cellar door happens to catch his eye. He remembers his dream and as if in a trance walks over to the door and opens it. He walks down a few steps and looks around. The picture of demonic Alisha hunched over the owl flashes in his head. Once he’s all the way down the weird noises and indistinct whispers are heard.

Mike stands there dumbfounded. He pans the cellar and his hand bumps into a sledgehammer. The cellar door creaks open. ALISHA “Mike, are you down there?” Mike shakes his head as if he was disturbed from deep thought. He comes to his senses and goes back to the stairs and looks up at her. MIKE “Yea…” ALISHA (chuckling) “Ok well are you coming? What are you doing down there?” Mike runs up the stairs and kisses her.

MIKE “Yea, yeah I’m still going. I was just walking around. I was just looking for extra bait or something.” She smiles and he puts his arm around her shoulder as they turn to leave the basement. Mike looks back down as he closes the door. INT. BEDROOM- LATE NIGHT Mike and Alisha are both sleeping and the moon light is shining through the windows on the cloudless night. Mike turns over away from Alisha and looks at the clock. It reads 11:11. He rolls back over and faces Alisha and she is now facing him with her eyes wide and black. Mike, horrified, rolls out of bed and quickly crab walks/ scoots back to the wall and bumps into the dresser. Through the commotion his wife wakes up and looks at Mike terrified. She’s normal this time.

ALISHA “Mike?” (She asks as she pushes the big comforter off and gets out of the bed and hurries over to him.) “Honey what’s wrong?” Mike pushes her away and rushes to the bathroom and she follows him. INT. BATHROOM

Mike begins splashing water on his face. Alisha walks closer to him and starts running her hand up and down his back trying to soothe him.ALISHA (In a stern but worried voice) “Mike? What is wrong?! You seem like you’re getting worse. Please talk to me. What is going on with you?!” Mike doesn’t answer and grips the des of the nk tighter.

ALISHA “Mike? We can deal with anything… You’re trembling….”

Mike spins around and pushes her hand off him. MIKE “Look, I’m a little stressed, alright?!!” Mike yells at her.

ALISHA (with a very shocked, almost angry look on her face)

“Ok… Well you know I am here for you, I’m only trying to help Mike.

But I’m not going to stand here and let you blow up at me for trying to help. If you want to talk about what’s bothering you I’ll be in the bed room.”

She walks out of the bathroom and Mike realizes he did over react and lost his temper. His clenched teeth and anger look turns to sadness. He turns from watching Alisha walk out, opens the medical cabinet and looks at a few bottles and picks out the sleep aids. He washes them down with a cup of water and splashes his face one last time. As he closes the cabinets mirror his face is now red (from the blood now coming from the faucet) and in the reflection of the mirror, on the wall behind Mike, we can see the word “BASHERIN” is scratched in the wall. Mike turns around and the entire room is covered in blood. The walls, shower curtain, faucet, door knob, the floor, everything is drenched. It looks as if that someone has been murdered and dismembered. Mike shuts his eyes and turns back to face the mirror. When he opens his eyes the word and the blood is gone. He hits the wall and walks out of the bathroom. He walks back into the bedroom and gets into the bed with Alisha. MIKE “Honey, I’m really sorry. You’re right there is no reason for me to be blowing up at you for how I am feeling. I just…” ghs deeply. “I haven’t been sleeping well and I’m just a little stressed, I really want everything to work out. You know?” ALISHA “I can tell you haven’t been well, you sleep very little and you’re getting pale and a little ck looking babe. I’m really worrying about you and if you don’t feel better by tomorrow then we are leaving after lunch.”

MIKE “Deal, thanks for worrying…” Mike lovingly jokes with a smile. She turns away from him and pulls his arm around her as she does. “I took some sleeping pills so hopefully I’ll get a good night sleep. So just let me sleep in. Unless it gets to be around eleven, then feel free to wake me if you’d like.” ALISHA “Ok, I’ll let you sleep in. Goodnight babe. I love you. Just relax and have a good sleep.” MIKE “I love you.” A short while later they are sleeping and a thunder storm begins to move in.

EXT. NIGHT TIME- DIFFERENT SPOTS AROUND THE CABIN Lightning strikes in the distance. A light sprinkle begins to hit the lake, and pebbles of rain drops starts to cover the vehicle they drove. Tiny drops of rain hits the windows of the house and the front porch swing slowly blows in the breeze.


Through flashes of lightning it opens.

Cut to bottom of floor. The sledge hammer is picked up by an unknown person.

Cut to upper hall. The sledge is being dragged by the person and only the feet and the hammer part is vible, dragging. It’s unclear if the feet belong to Mike or Alisha. The bedroom door knob turns and is pushed opened. Someone moves underneath the covers. The sledge hammer is raised and Mike moves the sheets away from him and ts up quickly. Alisha brings the sledge down swiftly onto Mikes left knee. Alisha begins to go insane on Mike and brings the sledge hammer down unto Mike again and again. Whispering indistinct voices are heard in the background, hooting owls and bat/ bird wings flaps in the background and squawking can be heard. Blood splatters over everything with each swing. Blood covers the head board, the walls, sheets, the pictures of the cabin and what could be old ancestors, a fangoria magazine Mike had on the night stand bede the bed. EVERYTHING! All the noises and quick cuts of the blood covered objects end as soon as the sledge is dropped.



Morning sunlight is shining through the windows. Mike wakes up once again on the couch and shakes his head as if trying to wake up. He gets up and as if still sleeping he walks over and makes a pot of coffee. He leans over the nk and takes a deep breath in while looking out the window. The over grown field looks amazing. The rain from the night before made the weeds wet and it is glimmering through the sun light. Mike puts two pieces of toast into the toaster and goes into the down stairs restroom. (The camera waits for Mike in the kitchen). It’s eerily quiet. Mike comes out and pours a cup of coffee, ts at the table and opens a crossword word find book. When his toast pops he butters both pieces with jelly and ts and eats and drinks his coffee.

(Creepy scene- like the strangers when the lady is standing there with the man behind her watching her unbeknownst to her) INT. BLOOD DRENCHED BEDROOM- QUICK FLASH OF A BODY UNDER SHEETS. BLOOD IS COVERING THE BED. BACK TO MIKE. Who is now standing at the door way of the cabin and is overlooking the lake. He can see fish jumping out of the water like they do and smiles. He feels a lot better and it shows. He doesn’t look as pale as he did and he just seems like a new Mike through his smile and his bright eyes. He walks toward the hallway and stops when he sees the cellar door is cracked open. Mike turns his head like Michael Myers does and walks to it and opens it. MIKE “Alisha, you down there?” After a moment Mike walks down the steps, as they creak beneath him.

INT. BASEMENT As he is walking around the cellar his hand bumps into something. It’s the sledge hammer handle. The camera slowly makes its way down the handle. Before the camera gets to the hammer part of it we cut back to close up of Mikes face. His eyes are widened and mouth is dropped in awe.

Cut back to the handle. We finally get to the hammer part of the sledge hammer and the wood right above it and the hammer itself is bloodied with what could be either brain matter or bone fragments on the floor right around it.

Mike races up the cellar stairs, turns and rushes up the stairs that lead to the second floor. He almost slips on the rug in front of the basement door. He bursts into the bedroom and it’s just as it was in his dream, blood everywhere and covering everything. Alisha’s right de of her face is completely smashed in, her left knee cap and below is barely attached. Mike’s face turns to a horribly shocked and disbelief expreson. He falls back against the wall and closes his eyes, hoping that when he reopens them the scene will be gone. He opens them and his wife is still there. He begins to gag and turns outde of the bedroom and vomits. He leans on the hallway wall for a few moments with his eyes closed trying to catch his breath. He stays there for a few moments and realizes this is not a dream and races to the stairwell. He runs down stairs and out the door to the vehicle. INT. TRAIL BLAZER- Mike is sweating, coughing and still semi gagging.

As he is racing towards the bridge he abruptly stops.

EXT. DE VIEW OF CAR The tires screech and dust flies in the air. Mike gets out off the car and walks a few feet forward to the edge of something. The camera pans out and Mike’s feet are at the edge of where the bridge once stood. Now, in its place is a claw like structure (evil dead 2 scene tribute).

Mike collapses.


Mike awakens looking like he’s waking from a hangover he ts up quickly and looks around. He notices the car. As if been through a tornado, the car is ruined. Tires are flat, windows busted out (really they look more like they were blown in) doors all banged and twisted and engine smoking. Mike stares at the car from his potion on the ground. He stands up and lets his head fall back looking up at the sky. Not really expecting an answer, but more of a way to let out frustration he screams at the sky: MIKE “What the fuck is going on?”

Then he looks back at the ground and whispers, “What the fuck is going on?” LATER THAT EVENING

As a beaten dirty and worn out Mike finally gets back to the cabin, he begins to sob as he walks up the front steps. He turns the door knob with his bloody knuckles and scratched hand. He walks in and shuts the door and leans against it. INT. CABIN- EARLY EVENING

He stands there in lence. He begins to think about Alisha and the whole weekend. Mike makes his way up the stairs mumbling about her. He knows what is behind the bedroom door but must see Alisha one final time. He walks down the hallway with every step another creak. Everything is still lence beyond the creaks. He turns the knob of the door and walks in with his head and eyes towards the floor, making sure not to look at the bed. (The camera is on the right de of his head. His head half in the frame, the other half is the unfocused background. Slowly, the night stand comes into view as he keeps walking into the room, then the blood, then the bed. There is something out of place.) Finally, Mike stops moving. His tear filled eyes move rapidly along the floor.

After a moment he looks up and Alisha is now tting up right. Her back is resting against the head board. Her hands are clasped together on her lap and what’s left of her legs crossed over in front of her.

(Dramatic muc)

Her face is no longer the pretty golden cheeked blonde she was prior to vacation. Now her face has been distorted and discolored. Chunks of flesh brown and green mixes are either hanging off her face or completely gone. Her blue horribly cracked and bruised lips spread wide apart, bleeding in some places, revealing rotten teeth.

The camera returns to Mike. He backs up to exit the room without taking his eyes off Alisha but he trips himself and slams the door to the room, accidentally cutting off his only escape. Alisha laughs manically in a high pitched giggle as if impersonating The Crypt Keeper. She quickly gets out of the bed and limps her way to Mike who now has his back pressed against the door not wanting to see. He is frozen with fear. Close up of one of her ankle or legs as she is heading to grab Mike. Her knub of a foot is squishing and cracking under pressure, but she continues to walk/ limp her way towards him. ALISHA (shouts as she is on her way to Mike)

“Do you know what you did Mike?!” she screeches. “You did this to me Mike” MIKE “NO!”

She reaches Mike as he says no and puts her stub of a hand on the right de of his face and her normal hand on his left de.


“You wanna know something Mike? It actually hurts to be bludgeoned to death by a sledgehammer, believe it or not!” she screams, “The pain is so intense when you die! It feels like… well kinda like having your body smashed to shit with a sledge hammer you son of a bitch!”

She spews red and yellow and green vomit all over Mikes face. Disgusted, he thrusts her off him, opens the bedroom door and runs out. She calls for him as he does this, calling him a cowardly cunt. As he gets to the bottom of the steps he still hears her curng.

ALISHA “Come back here and fuck me! You are a fucking coward! You’re going to die here anyways Mike,” she says in a teang voice. “Ha ha ha haaa.” (She laughs like Mama Firefly from TDR)

Mike runs down the stairs to the refrigerator and opens the freezer door and takes a swig of Spiced Jack. The shrieking stops. Mike closes the freezer door and grabs a glass from the cabinet, puts ice in it and pours himself a long drink and ts down at the kitchen table. Mike ts there and rubs his forehead intensely, he knows he is either stuck here or long it. The phone rings. Mike stops drinking astonished by the phone. The look on his face is pure horror and fascination. (Earlier, on the way to the cabin Alisha told him the phones didn’t work). He gets up and turns to the phone.

He slowly picks up and puts the receiver to his ear and after a moments lence

MIKE “Hello?” he speaks in a quiet hetant tone. “Hello…” After another moment of pure lence Alisha’s voice shrieks out of the phone as if amplified. ALISHA “Michael! Michael!” Then her voice turns to a soft loving tone instantly, “Please come back to bed baby, please.”


“Leave me the fuck alone, Alisha!”

Mike shouts and slams the phone on its handle and walks back over to his bottle.

Mike takes a p. The camera pans to the cellar door knob quickly and it slowly turns back and forth. Mike notices after the knob shakes. He grabs one of the kitchen knives and potions himself in front of the door ready to strike. The door swings open, but only a few inches. Mike has a dumb founded look on his face and surpringly the door slams open. But nothing comes out. Mike slowly nudges forward and his eyes wander looking up and down the walls and stairs, swinging from de to de searching.

The stairway is dark, to dark to see past the first few steps. The ring moon light shining through one cellar window casts a lhouette as Mikes eyes focus in the darkness. There is something in the darkness but it’s small and hard to see. Mike knows something is there. He can feel. He tries the light switch, with no prevail. Not knowing what else to do he runs to the cabinet and grabs a can of soup returns to the steps and chucks it down the stairs. It hits near the outline of the shape and it scurries away. Mike laughs and closes the door and slides a table in front of it. He takes a step back from the door and hears scraping sounds from outde. INT. LIVING ROOM

As he is walking towards the front door in the living room he notices the painting hanging above the fire mantle, of a beautiful dark haired woman in a white dress standing in a golden wheat field. In the background behind her there is a cottage. Mike looks at the painting of the cottage and a vion in his mind of the cottage he is at flashes in his mind. It’s the same one. As he walks closer to the colorful painting it comes to life. The clouds begin to move, the field the lady is in begins to waft in the wind and the lady begins to walk towards the cottage. Slowly, as she gets closer to the cottage the clouds darken and the cottage begins to decay. Moss overgrows the des, the windows break and fall out, the front steps crack and crumble.

In the painting it starts to rain, Mike looks at the front window in his cottage and rain drops begin to tap on it. Thunder roars and lighting strikes in the painting, as in Mikes reality.

MIKE “What the hell is this?”


He looks back to the painting and the meadow is now overgrown and brown and the cabin looks destroyed from years of weather and poor upkeep. The lady now reaching the steps of the cabin, her skin is horribly brownish and sunken-in almost skeletal.

The storm begins to worsen. She raises her decayed arm up and knocks on the door in the painting.

In Mikes reality there is a knock on the door. Mike spins around but makes no effort to see who is at the door. The lady knocks again, but harder this time and the bang on the real front door is harder than the first knock. This time Mike jumps at the sound and shows gns of debate in his head as to answer the door or not. Hetantly, Mike walks to the door and turns the knob and with one swift motion he swings the door open. No one is there. Off in the distance Mike sees a lady in a white dress eerily making her way to the cabin. She walks with strangeness, the way a computer game lags or as if a strobe light set on a low speed was on her. The storm rages on but doesn’t affect the lady. Mike slams the door and turns back to the painting, but now the lady in white is now Alisha, and she’s tting in the rocking chair horribly decayed. Mike cringes from the stench.

INT. CABIN MIKE (Thinking he can get answers) “What the hell is going on here? Is this really happening?” ALISHA “This place… is damned. You, me, we should have never came here Mike.”

Mike looks confused and Alisha is annoyed by this. ALISHA (getting annoyed) “I have been rotting for weeks Michael! This is all one big fucking lie! Shhh. You hear them, the voices? Listen…” Whispers are heard throughout the room, echoing in Mikes head.

ALISHA (continues, almost sympathetic now) “Do you feel it Mike? Is it coming back to you, the wreck? Me? The child in the road? We were on our way here…”

The word here echo’s in Mikes head. Images start to come to Mike like the ending of every SAW movies. Mike and Alisha, high school lovers, growing up together, their wedding, Mike in a tuxedo standing by his groom’s men and everyone standing awaiting the bride.

Cut to: Mike lifts the vial over her face, Alisha has a glow to her and they both smile and kiss.

Cut to: People throwing rice, some blowing bubbles outde a church. Mike and Alisha get into a limo and it pulls away.

Cut to: Them driving through the forest like at the beginning of the movie. From out of the forest, a little boy darts in front of their car, Alisha screams, brakes screech and glass shattering can be heard.

Cut to:

The vehicle flipped over in a deep ravine. Alishas window is cracked and blood is smeared on the webbings of the smashed glass. Close up of Alishas face, it’s mangled and blood is dripping out of her lifeless mouth. Mikes lifeless body is strapped in by his seat belt, the left de of his face is bloodied and his chest has been smashed in by the steering wheel.

Cut back to the cabin with Mike: He continues to hear voices, more distinct now. There are 2 different ones, a man and a woman.

While Mike hears the voices he stagers towards the couch and collapses, and his eye lids flutter as if trying to stay awake. The decayed Alisha says nothing, just ts and watches with a grim half smile. The voices continue clearly now: WOMAN “Dr. Williams…” Cut to: A nurse and doctor standing over a cot.

“There has been no change. No improvement. It’s posble he may never come out of this”

Cut back to Mike: His eyes are rolled back into his head as he is shaking on the couch. The room around him spins faster and faster. Cracks begin to appear, as if Mikes brain is beginning to crack. The room continues to spin until everything is a blur. The spinning subdues and as everything becomes clearer the living room is now a small gray room. Mike is the one on the cot. The nurse and doctor are standing over him. Mike mumbles something. DOCTOR WILLIAMS “Come on Mike, time for lunch and your medicine.” With a vacant expreson on his face Mike ts up still mumbling and nods. The doctor and nurse help him into a wheel chair and push him out of the room.

The door closes behind them. All goes lent. The camera slowly pans back to the bed. Alishas decayed body frighteningly slides out from under the bed and reaches towards the camera.

Cut to black. Nightmare by Avenged Sevenfold begins to play!T H EEND
kizzle Saturday 4/07/2012 at 06:47 PM | 92244