Forums The Skeleton Crew
The Skeleton Crew #7: The 12 Days of Friday the 13th- The New Blood (1988)

TheSkeletonCrew Sunday 4/08/2012 at 03:02 AM | 92262
Friday the 13th: Part 7 is also available on Netflix Instant Streaming right now so perfect time to dust this film off and watch it if it's been awhile or if its your first time. Check it out. Great show as usual guys....
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Sunday 4/08/2012 at 11:55 AM | 92269
Great show as usual guys.... Thank you boss BTW I was wrong about him wearing that mask when he grabbed Tina! At a glance it looked like he was but clearly with a high definition pause, it was a cord around his head.

TheSkeletonCrew Sunday 4/08/2012 at 05:26 PM | 92276