I just recently watched this and I had mixed feelings. There were some scary parts but the majority of the movie was more or less actually pretty funny. I really expected this after the events of the first two movies. The first was stupid, the second was good, the third was decent but the series should be a lot more scary. It had a lot of potential, mainly nce it was all shot in camera perspective, but mainly because of the dark nature of the movie. I just really thought that it should have been more scary.The funniest part was when the sheet was up like a little girl was under it and it went to the girl tting down and stood behind her. Then it dropped when she turned around. The scariest part was when the girl was thrown into the closet, this part was also a little funny too but not too much. Overall the movie is pretty good but if you're looking for an extremely intense and terrifying movie, you shouldn't watch this. I did enjoy it but the second one was the best in my opinion.