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HorrorBid's Top 10 Scariest Horror Movies and Moments

Today is the day that HorrorBid turns 5 years old. In celebration we hope you enjoy this little list we put together for all you rabid Bidites. Whether you agree or disagree we want to hear from you, after all that is what we feel makes HorrorBid one of the greatest horror te on the net!

It goes without saying that watching horror movies is a deeply personal experience, more so than any other genre. Which means that our choices will probably not be yours. But that's why we have a comment section. Let us know if you think we're just plain out of our gourd or if you agree with our list. One thing is certain, if you're viting this te you have a love for horror like no one else. So lets see what makes the hair stand up on the back of your neck.


The opening 10 minutes of Scream is a masterful exercise in horror. Sure, they ripped off every moment from other movies, but at least they knew which moments to rip off. Scream was one of those movies I wasnt expecting anything and it gave me so much. I bet I saw that movie when it first came out in theaters 10 times.

There is one moment the film absolutely nails, and this stands out as the scariest moment for me. After Casey Becker Drew Berrymore is mentally and phycally tortured, she sees a chance for escape, and the headlight of her parents’ car winding up the long, isolated road. Just a few more seconds and she’ll be saved. Then bam, the killer finishes her off. Just the idea of safety being so close, but not able to reach it, is multaneously heartbreaking and terrifying.#9. THE SHINNING

There’s nothing scarier than creepy kids and The Shining has three of them. While Danny explores the overlook hotel on his tricycle he bumps into two of the freakiest little girls and they give him a peek at their disturbing murder scene. If your not just a little creeped out by this sequence then you must have ice water in your veins. Thats good clean horror folks!#8. JAWS

If you took the audio out of a horror film, it wouldn’t be that scary anymore. It’s the screams in the opening scene of Jaws that eat away at the audience. You don’t even see the shark, but hearing the victim scream as she’s yanked around the ocean is disturbingly chilling. This movie ngle handedly hurt the tourism industry at beach resorts. Why this isnt number 1 is mind boggling. Whos writing this list? :-#7. THE RING

A slow-burner, this one, and the best example of Japanese-horror that has ever appeared on DVD or should I say video cassette?. :-

The majority of the film is only mildly unnerving, with videos full of bizarre images and the iconic image of a water-sodden little girl. So far, so average cliched horror film. But the films pace and timing slowly builds up to a climatic scene that is the scariest scene in any film ever!

For those who have seen it you know exactly what I am talking about, and even though it was copied in the American remake to some credibility as well as being parodied in Scary Movie 3 theres no other scene more breathtakingly nister than the slow, evil crawl of Sadako as she crawls through the TV to claim her victim.


Visually stunning, poetry in motion of a terror ride with nothing much happening, yet the tenon is almost unbearable. Perhaps the most imitated movie of the last twenty years or so, it has lost the power to shock because we audiences have become so accustomed to the "rules" of the horror movie genre as cleverly pointed out to us in "Scream". BUT, Halloween was indeed the first, or nearly the first to take the stalker idea to unprecedented, murderous heights. Halloween is THE clasc Psycho on the loose horror movie of all time. The gliding visual point of view camera, the tinkling eerie score, the use of shadows and oh that agonizing, stark tenon. You love it, I love it we all love the original Halloween. Haters check your badges at the door. Halloween had us all checking under our beds at night looking for the boogeyman.#5. THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE

Left me shell shocked for several days after I first saw it. The first death scene is so absolutely shocking and presented with such cold starkness that its almost too real to be bearable. Almost snuff film like. Followed by such shockers like the girl being slowly let down onto a meat hook which is hooking into the back of her head. She tries desperately to climb off the hook, but to no avail. There was an expectancy of such brutal horror materializing from nowhere in this film that even an open doorway into the darkness of night presents a terrifying prospect. There are elements of black humour here, but obscured by the monstrous horrors on display. It just takes the sound of that grotesque chainsaw sputtering to life to make the hairs on ones neck stand up.

The film is an incredible terror ride, and more incredible for the fact that having watched it and felt as though you have just vited a slaughterhouse, there is hardly a drop of blood shown in the entire movie. Tobe Hooper has created a masterpiece of horror that suggests so much outright violence and mayhem that you can swear that you have seen it, even though you havent. Indeed the most terrifying aspect of the movie is actually embedded in the name itself, another masterstroke of triggering the mind to all sorts of horrors. A brilliant movie in every sense and one of the greatest horror movies ever IMO.


Released on June 4th 1982, director Tobe Hoopers Poltergeist is one of the most uneasy feeling movies of its time. The story, co-written and co-produced by Tobe Hooper and Steven Spielberg revolves around the Freeling family who is at first amused by, then later tormented by ghosts. The word poltergeist is German for noisy ghost.

The tenon is heightened in the film when the Freelings youngest daughter Carol Anne, played by the late Heather ORourke, turns up misng, but where it turns really creepy is when the family can hear her talking through the TV. Feeling out of options the family brings in a team of paranormal investigators who turn out to be so amazed yet terrified of the events in the home that they call in a little extra guidance from a spiritual medium, named Tangina Barrons played by Zelda Rubinstein.

She helps them get Carol Anne back but in the third and final act of this film we learn something that is hinted at earlier on when Steven Freeling spoke to his boss about moving a cemetery for houng developments, their house ts right on top of a cemetery that was never fully dug up.

Thats right! They moved the headstones and left the dead bodies. In a pretty gruesome scene skeletons and caskets float up to the surface in the muddy water of their unfinished swimming pool.

Superstition seems to be attached to this film due to the fact that the final scenes did in fact use real human skeletons. Thats just freaky.


Tobe Hooper gets another pick from me. This fantastic make of Stephen Kings novel "Salems Lot" 1976. This movie is by far the most freakiest and most memorable vampire movie I have ever seen. The three hour movie has gruesome events happening all around the little town of Salems Lot. The first vampire that shows up in the movie is of course the unforgettable little brother who begins scratching on the window of his older brother.

The movie is not gory or full of the special effects we are all use to today, but the scare factor is definitely in there in mass amounts. If you want that feeling that someone is behind you, turn the lights down, and watch the unbelievable creepy movie "Salems Lot". If youve never read the book do it now and if youve never seen this movie you arent a true horror movie fan. :-


Why is this only number 2? Because The Exorcist just had a little more effect on me, not much. To be honest this movie probably effected me personally more than any other horror movie ever. Something about director Ti Wests pacing and the way he builds to the payoff in his movies absolutely terrifies me. This film literally had me looking away and turning the lights on in the house after it was over. I felt like I was in grade school again and horror films just dont effect me like this these days so something was right. I recommend watching this alone, in the dark on a stormy night. If you do you just might bump this up a couple of spots. It is that scary!#1. THE EXORCIST

I have to put in the 1973 Academy Award winning film The Exorcist in this for the extreme reaction it got at the time of the release, and sometimes still gets. This movie was rated X in some regions and my mother in law still to this day cant talk about this film without recounting a horrible dream she had that involved a crown of thorns and a crucifix. She literally starts to tear up when she talks about it. That is the effect this movie had on people.

Adapted from the novel by William Petter Blatty who also wrote the script, and directed by William Friedkin this films tells the shocking story of a woman trying to help for her daughter who appears to be possessed by the devil. In modern times this movie could have ealy become a cheesy B flick with studios so eager to cut the first half of the script with Freddy Kruger like gloves because they perceive todays audience to have a short attention span, but the first half of this movie I think is what propelled it. The mother, played by Ellen Burstyn, takes her daughter through various doctors and tests to find out what is wrong with her. There are scenes of her spitting at a nurse as she goes for a checkup, a painful scene of her undergoing a brain scan, and of course the scene where she attacks a psychiatrist. All these things lead the exports to tell her to send her daughter to the nuthouse because they cant find anything wrong with her.

When her outbursts grow more violent leading her mother to suspect her of the death of a friend, she turns to a catholic priest, played by Max von Sydow. This films final act took the longest to shoot. They had made the set into a refrigerator dropping the temperature until the actors could see their own breath in the air. Then they brought in a magician to create the now famous seen where daughter Reagan played by Linda Blair rises up into the air. They also spent a ton of time on SFX makeup, props, and contraptions to make Reagans body do all sorts of unnatural things.

Why is the Excorcist #1? Because Satan is fing scary people

I also want to give an honorable mention to Lake Mungo. This was truly a creepy film that I just watched again last night with my wife who saw it for the first time. Spine tingling is a good description for this film. It's a slow, believable burn that is full of layers. I really recommend this to anyone that loves a good solid storyline and terrific acting.

So do you agree or disagree and what would you add to the list? HorrorBid turns 5 years old on June 22nd and we would love to hear what the Bidite nation thought of our list. Take the time and chat away....
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Friday 6/22/2012 at 01:34 AM | 93815
I agree with most of these, but I haven't seen The Innkeepers or Poltergeist. Anyways I would probably add the chest-burster scene from the original Alien. But I guess that would have put too many movies from the 70's on the list...

Kidtut Friday 6/22/2012 at 02:20 AM | 93818
I agree with most of these, but I haven't seen The Innkeepers or Poltergeist. Anyways I would probably add the chest-burster scene from the original Alien. But I guess that would have put too many movies from the 70's on the list...I gotta say the chest-buster scene was fantastic, could have ealy been on the list. We need to make one of these with films from say 2000 and above....
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Friday 6/22/2012 at 02:23 AM | 93819
Ugh. I was happily, enthuastically agreeing with this list until I saw The Innkeepers on it. That was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Posbly the worst I've ever seen. Watched it with a fellow horror buff, and both of us ended up playing with her cats for the last half of the movie because The Innkeepers was so bad that we couldn't even make fun of it.
KMLandis66 Friday 6/22/2012 at 03:00 AM | 93824
I wish you would have seen it by yourself, it really lends itself better as a film if watched solo I have found out as I too tried it with a friend and didn't get the same results. Again though, it could have just been the right place right time. But I will never sway on my opinion, I love The Innkeepers soooo much....
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Friday 6/22/2012 at 03:16 AM | 93825
You have a great list here!

I especially love Texas Chainsaw Massacre, no sequels or remakes will ever be better than the original. (Although, I'm quite excited for the new one coming out later this year).

Man, I wish I could love The Inkeepers as much as you. I've totally felt that feeling you described when you were watching it, but the movie didn't have that effect on me, and I was pretty disappointed. That doesn't mean I don't like slow-burns, for example: The Blair Witch Project. That is the the scariest movie ever made in my opinion. It still creeps me out to this day and I shudder thinking of it.
A.Silent.Hill Friday 6/22/2012 at 06:29 AM | 93829
Man, I am starting to feel alone here about The Innkeepers! That is what is great about horror and movies in general though, they are all subjective so I wouldn't expect everyone to agree and that is what makes talking about these movies fun.

Is there any Bidites out there that liked The Innkeepers as much as I did?
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Friday 6/22/2012 at 06:35 AM | 93830
Don't worry Booman, my wife and I both thoroughly loved the Innkeepers! It was a slow slow burn that just had one of the creepiest endings I've seen in a long while

haloboyvash Friday 6/22/2012 at 09:10 AM | 93832
Don't worry Booman, my wife and I both thoroughly loved the Innkeepers! It was a slow slow burn that just had one of the creepiest endings I've seen in a long whileFinally some Innkeepers love!
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Friday 6/22/2012 at 11:33 PM | 93848
Lake Mungo definitely made creeped me out maybe more because I had no expectations going in. Surprised Indious didnt make the list, much more terrifying to me than the Innkeepers.
allycat2488 Saturday 6/23/2012 at 08:29 AM | 93856
Lake Mungo definitely made creeped me out maybe more because I had no expectations going in. Surprised Indious didnt make the list, much more terrifying to me than the Innkeepers.

You know I should have put Indious on the honorable mention list at the very least. It was a very well told ghost story but it didn't have the affect that The Innkeepers had on me for whatever reason.

Again I think a lot of these movies depend on the tuation and presence of mind you're in while watching them. That is why this is a tough category and list to make. Paranormal Activity may be the scariest movie in the world on the right day. Does that make sense?
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Saturday 6/23/2012 at 09:16 AM | 93857
I gned up for an account to just tell you that you're not alone on The Innkeepers. I was legitimately scared during the bed sheet scene... totally caught me by surprise the first time I saw the film.

I don't understand all the hate the film seems to get either... I guess some people can't appreciate the slow burn style of the film. Anyways, I love it.
interestingstuff Saturday 6/23/2012 at 09:46 PM | 93860
Thanks Ryan and everyone else for helping me feel better about The Innkeepers and my thoughts, LOL!

Now I need to hear from the one, the only, the Nizzle!!!!
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Sunday 6/24/2012 at 01:19 AM | 93868
So many Innkeepers haters - Fuck! Lol.

I think in order to enjoy what the Innkeepers has to offer a few things need to be set in place - first and foremost your gonna need to open up your mind wide open on this one and lose yourself in the film - become one with the film, try to relate to what's going on , put yourself into the shoes of the characters, pay attention to the dialogue. Atmosphere is also key - if you watch it during the day - while the suns out, your totally ruining the experience. You should also turn on the surround sound (if you have it), it really adds to the atmosphere in a big way. But I should point out - the film is a "slow burn" tenon builder,so if you have a short attention span -- This movie is NOT for YOU -- STAY AWAY!

Many people, mainly naysayers have asked me what I liked so much about this family, and I always have the same answer which is -- ade from the all the atmospheric tenon, and great character development, I absolutely

love the clever ending which I thought was executed in such a subtle way that so many people don't even acknowledge it.

Now that I've spoke my mind, I'd like to say that all of the other films compiled on this list were all excellent choices as well!! Great article Justin!!
Anonymous Sunday 6/24/2012 at 02:21 AM | 93872
Brian well stated and sooooo true. You have to be in the right frame of mind to really get the full effect of a Ti West style film. So glad you liked it as much as I did Nizzle, we had fun texting back and forth on our first watch, we both we're disturbed by this film.

And glad you like the article brother. It feels good to finally be back on the 'Bid!!!!!!!!!!!
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Sunday 6/24/2012 at 02:28 AM | 93873
I loved the Innkeepers! I think it definitely deserves to be on this list. My boyfriend and I watched this together and I had to look away a few times. Even he was creeped out!
suzys25 Monday 6/25/2012 at 04:01 AM | 93898
Hey BooMan did I forget to mention great list before I nit picked?! Sorry! Great choices loved the article!
allycat2488 Monday 6/25/2012 at 06:26 AM | 93901
Hey BooMan did I forget to mention great list before I nit picked?! Sorry! Great choices loved the article

Hey don't mention it! That is what makes communities like this thrive, movies are subjective and I love hearing why someone likes or dislikes a film. Never feel like you have to apologize here. Thanks though, glad you dig the article....

Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Monday 6/25/2012 at 07:08 AM | 93902
I disagree with most of these, but one movie gets #1 for me is the original pet semetary.
hm4life Monday 6/25/2012 at 05:12 PM | 93908
I thoroughly enjoyed Inn keepers as well! Didnt think it was the best movie ever but pretty good. I completely agree with allycat about Indous. Thats prolly one of the few that actually took me by surprise and made me jump at the movie theatre :) The exorcist was a good pick for the number 1 spot. I wouldve liked to see The Descent or The Crazies on there. Both had very scary scenes that if put into that kinda evironment i woulda $hit myself. Awesome list tho.
kizzle Monday 6/25/2012 at 05:21 PM | 93909
Love it!

AbominableDrPhibes78 Wednesday 6/27/2012 at 10:23 PM | 94008
You guys are going to call me a "noob" for this, but....

I saw the Exorcist for the first time about a month ago, Its scary to me because stuff like that (supposedly) actually happens! A movie that should be on this list is The Haunting In Conneticut. That movie scared the tar out of me the first few times that I watched it!
Corpsegrinder Thursday 6/28/2012 at 10:58 PM | 94070
No you aren't alone, Booman. i've seen it twice and once with the commentary. I should have just bought it rather than renting. I'm sure i'll pick it up sooner or later.
AgnesItsMeBilly Wednesday 7/04/2012 at 08:54 PM | 94366
Not alone man!

The Innkeepers was one of the best horror movies to come out in years IMO first time a movie has actually creeped me out in years! so much suspence/tenon... the few jump scenes actually make you jump! watch it ALONE in the dark at 3am.... it'll play out better for everone.

The only movie from your list I disagree with is Scream I love the movie but I've never really found it scary....more of a drama/thriller than horror I think :p I would have liked to have seen The Descent or 28 Days Later up there instead ;)
zombie7666 Thursday 7/05/2012 at 12:17 PM | 94406
I'm sorry but how anyone can call themselves a horror fan and put SCREAM in their top ten list of scariest has no concept of horror. This bubble gum teeny horror movie should never be in a list with Halloween or TCM.. Ok if this was a personal "MY favorite" list that's one thing but to do a list under the Horrorbid name and call it the best is just sad.
Captain Howdy Thursday 7/05/2012 at 07:50 PM | 94423
I'm sorry but how anyone can call themselves a horror fan and put SCREAM in their top ten list of scariest has no concept of horror. This bubble gum teeny horror movie should never be in a list with Halloween or TCM.. Ok if this was a personal "MY favorite" list that's one thing but to do a list under the Horrorbid name and call it the best is just sad.

This place loves Ti West films and put it as the #2 scariest films but you people don't think scream is scary? Get a clue, scream is one of the few movies that is scary these days. You don't know horror at all Captain Howdy.
TroubledSoul Friday 7/06/2012 at 03:33 AM | 94442
I'm sorry but how anyone can call themselves a horror fan and put SCREAM in their top ten list of scariest has no concept of horror. This bubble gum teeny horror movie should never be in a list with Halloween or TCM.. Ok if this was a personal "MY favorite" list that's one thing but to do a list under the Horrorbid name and call it the best is just sad.

This place loves Ti West films and put it as the #2 scariest films but you people don't think scream is scary? Get a clue, scream is one of the few movies that is scary these days. You don't know horror at all Captain Howdy.

Scream had its frightening moments... Scream 4 was also gnarly.... I agree with both of you. Scream isn't the absolute scariest

but still belongs on this list. I think that Scary Movie is what permanently wrecked the franchise for upcoming generations.... I used to have a life zed ghost face in my bedroom and my 7 year old coun said "WAAAAAZZZZUUUUUUPPPPP?" to it... lol...

Corpsegrinder Friday 7/06/2012 at 06:06 PM | 94450
I was scared by Scream back in the day.
AgnesItsMeBilly Monday 7/09/2012 at 05:29 PM | 94544
Personally, I love Ti West and his movies (including the Innkeepers). I love gore but some of the best horror movies in my opinion have little to no gore and have more of a storytelling theme to them. For example, John Carpenter's The Fog and Guillermo del Toro's The Devil's Backbone. Little to no gore but they are creepy horror movies that will always hold a special place in my heart.
ZombieKitten Wednesday 7/11/2012 at 03:29 PM | 94616
Personally, I love Ti West and his movies (including the Innkeepers). I love gore but some of the best horror movies in my opinion have little to no gore and have more of a storytelling theme to them. For example, John Carpenter's The Fog and Guillermo del Toro's The Devil's Backbone. Little to no gore but they are creepy horror movies that will always hold a special place in my heart.

Perfectly stated!
Shakelford, J. Rusty Wednesday 7/11/2012 at 08:11 PM | 94622
I'm sorry but how anyone can call themselves a horror fan and put SCREAM in their top ten list of scariest has no concept of horror. This bubble gum teeny horror movie should never be in a list with Halloween or TCM.. Ok if this was a personal "MY favorite" list that's one thing but to do a list under the Horrorbid name and call it the best is just sad.

This place loves Ti West films and put it as the #2 scariest films but you people don't think scream is scary? Get a clue, scream is one of the few movies that is scary these days. You don't know horror at all Captain Howdy.

I don't know horror???? This from a guy who was scared by "Scream". I supposed you were also scared by the remake of "When a stranger calls"? Sorry I don't mean to give you nightmares princess.
Captain Howdy Thursday 7/19/2012 at 08:19 PM | 94915