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Offer to HB members only...

Well, im sure probably only a couple of you, if any will be able to take me up on this offer but regardless its the only thing i can extend to my new family of horror fanatics!!

If any of you live near (or are willing to travel to) Virginia Beach, Virginia by Oct. 31st i am inviting you to vit free of charge the haunted house events i run and am assoc. with. This includes VIP tickets to The Village of the Dead, Haunted hayride, Field of Screams, and the nationally renown Nightmare Manon. I also might have some sweet swag for you if you make the patronage ;P

As i said, its a stretch... but well worth the trip. For details message me... i hope i can see you all, but at least one would be nice.

Ryan ( cannibal-69 )
Cannibal-69 Wednesday 10/08/2008 at 02:07 AM | 20302
Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to make it up there but that's very cool of you do
kweandee Wednesday 10/08/2008 at 12:31 PM | 20330