Bidites, the moment that you've been waiting for has finally arrived! Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios (MGM) has finally revealed all of the glorious details regarding their September Blu-ray release of director Stephen Chiodo's cult horror comedy Killer Klowns from Outer Space. Excited? Then read on...

Grant Cramer, Suzanne Snyder and John Allen Nelson star in the film about a crazy bunch of Klowns land their circus tent cum spaceship in the woods near a small American town. Their mison is to collect human bodies for food, which they like to cover in candyfloss before sucking the blood from them.
Special Features Include:
Audio Commentary with the Chiodo Brothers
5 Featurettes:
-- The Making of Killer Klowns
-- Kompong Klowns
-- Visual Effects with Gene Warren Jr.
-- Kreating Klowns
-- Chiodo Brothers' Earliest Films
Two Deleted Scenes with Director's Commentary
Original Theatrical Trailer
And More
Killer Klowns from Outer Space
will be available for purchase online and in stores across the United States on September 11.