Another Halloween related article I figured should be written is a review of the Halloween series.
I am going to give my opinion on 9 films, and probably piss a lot of people off. For starters I am going to keep Halloween 3 out of this review.
Worst in the series belongs to...
Halloween Resurrection-
Why? Well I am ranking this film as the lowest of the bunch for many reasons. One being...WE DIDN’T NEED IT. I for one was perfectly fine with Michael finally dying…it gave closure to the series in a great way. Still because H20 was such a cash cow, it wasn’t surpring they tried pulling something out of their ass. And boy did they, this movie is pure shit. For starters, they just tried to use everything good from H20 and recycle it. Did we really need to see him descend from the ceiling again? No. From the beginning this movie tries to be smart, sure switching the bodies was a logical explanation…but it didn’t add up to me.
If it wasn’t REALLY Michael at the end of H20, why didn’t he just t up and pull the mask off? Why did he go for Laurie? Why and how did he just roll over, and t up after being thrown through a windshield? Then hold on as she hit him? Any normal human being would have given up after being thrown through glass, and landing on concrete. So please, explain to me how it wasn’t REALLY Michael -.- So after this, they kill off Laurie Strode. Sure I understand why they did it, but did it have to be done in such a dumb way? Do you really think our beloved Laurie was going to check who she was killing? What normal man, bursts through your door and tries to stab you…chases you up to the roof and isn’t trying to kill you? And how would Michael know to start acting the way he did in H20’s ending? Bedes, she is already in an institution, what are they going to do if it wasn’t Michael? Put her back in her room? I don’t understand what the writers were thinking when they made this film. So we are then given the story line for the movie…and surpring enough…it doesn’t follow John. The past 7 movies have been about killing family, but hey lets not follow that anymore. What did he just give up? So we are then introduced to our cast…who may be the most annoying characters, ever. I don’t think Jason had people this annoying during his rampage in the 80’s -.-
Worst of them all, was Freddy…why the FUCK did they put Busta Rhymes in this movie?? Why the FUCK did he use “kung-fu” against Michael?? How many times have we seen Michael block someone’s attempt to punch him? This is any different why? The entire performance was nothing short of infuriating. Busta was so annoying, I wanted to stab his ass. Past this, I didn’t like the casting, or the characters like I stated earlier. It felt like they just wanted familiar faces to go with their shit movie. In the end, they tried taking the series into the 21st century with all the modern technology…and it made the film less effective to me. The way Michael was portrayed bothered me, he walked around with the knife up. Very robotic, and not in the good way that he did in Halloween 2...I also hated that they painted his eyes black. Or the fact that Freddy tapped on his forehead and he just sat there. This Michael was ridiculous to me. Bottom line, this movie shouldn’t have happened.
Favorite Character - Sadly Sara…nothing new with this girl…she may even be the weakest heroine in the franchise…
Favorite Death- None…they all seemed stale, been there don’t that
Rob Zombie’s Halloween II-
The ONLY reason this film is above Resurrection is the first 15 minutes. The hospital scene is enough for me, condering I usually turn it off afterwards. Plus he looks amazing, walking around all bloody…through the rain…holding an axe…=) Many of you know Halloween is my FAVORITE series. So as you can imagine, I have sat through each films more times than I can count. However, I honestly cant t through this movie. It just goes from bad to worse. I was very excited for this film, after Rob made H1 I had faith. Then I watched the trailer, which started to change my mind. But being the fan I was, I HAD to see this movie. So the day finally came, I had a large group of people with me to watch it.
The opening begins, and that was the moment I knew. I hated that he brought up a back story…one that involved his wife -.- Get over putting her in EVERY movie already. I honestly think he made this film just to put her in it again. With her horrible costume that looked as if it came off the clearance rack at Party-City. So the gun goes off, the screams happen. Bam Laurie is walking through and empty town, bloody from head to toe…limping away from the murder she thinks she committed. I was hooked, the movie looked great and I started to doubt myself again. Maybe this was going to be great. Suddenly she is in a hospital, and to be honest, she was tore the fuck up. Her body was bacally mangled. Then we skip to the two posbly mentally challenged guys in the van. -.- need I say more? I mean we sat through one of them saying “fuck” for like 2 minutes straight. BUT Michael beats his way out, saws the guys head off…it was great…until he turns around. There is his mother, with her ugly horse…in her terrible costume…So my thoughts are back to “shit, this is going JUST like I thought” But the next few scenes start to change my mind again…as you can see I was really hoping for the best out of this movie. So Michael chases after Laurie, it gets pretty intense and gory. Then…the best part of this movie is a dream? Really? From this point on, it was a boring…dragging movie for me. I felt Rob took all the aspects from Halloween 4-6 and put them in this movie. Laurie is now connected with Michael…for example she tastes as he eats a dog… O.o Then the rest of the violence in the movie was random…he killed random people…just because. In an interview Rob thought the most random act of violence is the scariest…this may be true, but it doesn’t apply to this movie. Michael is on a mison…he is The Strangers.
Also I hated that he was maskless a lot in the movie. Dr. Loomis was a douche, and the entire movie fell into his trademark white trash theme. Something I felt his first one managed to keep in control. `Laurie was annoying, just screaming, and upset. I mean I understand she was damaged after the events of the first film…but does EVERYTHING need to change about a person? I felt he made Laurie week in this film. So after his vions of his dead mother leading him around this town, we get to the finale…after being bored for an hour the movie ends with Laurie not really going through much. Its apparent she is as crazy as he is, and Dr. Loomis has one final moment to redeem himself…then we finally get a few moments with the Halloween theme at the end of the movie. Another thing that lacked in this film, honestly this could have been a stand alone movie. If it wasn’t for the mask, and actors…it was another Halloween 3 to me. Just this time with an actual killer.
Favorite Character - Annie, I love her sarcastic dialogue…and she is actually the only one that I didn’t want to die.
Favorite Death- The nurse at the beginning, it was brutal! She walks in, gash in her face, and Michael takes out A LOT of frustration on this lady…sucks to be her…awesome to watch =)
Halloween 5-
I have recently watched this movie again, and while it is a weak entry. It isn’t terrible. For starters, this is the worst mask of ALL Halloweens. I don’t know what they were thinking going with this look. Second, for unknown reasons, this movie was goreless. The most we ever got was some blood flung onto the hay. I didn’t care to much for Jamie being mute, or that they are “connected” Still watching Danielle run around as Jamie is better than the last two movies I have gone over. I didn’t care for Dr. Loomis trying to talk to Michael and get him to understand, nor did I care for him trying to trap Michael.
I mean he had over a decade to try and get Michael to understand something =p I don’t like that they made him into someone who is killing his family to stop the voices, or that we see him cry…but he was still better than Resurrection’s. many people found Tina annoying, sure she had her moments. However I thought she was the most emotionally involved character we’ve seen in the series. It was as if she really cared for this little girl. When she died sacrificing herself for Jamie, it was kind of sad =/ im sure most people cheered…but hey -.- The characters in this movie had a lot of annoying parts, and dumb dialogue. But I mean…it was a cheap 80’s movie so you cant complain too much. I loved when Jamie got in the chute. I think it was a very cool idea. It was interesting to see her strength in this movie.
After all she was just a child, most people wouldn’t have made it through. It was also kind of nice to see her actually get hurt…in the last film Michael never actually done anything to her. Just chased after her. This one he was trying to run her over with a car, stabbed her in her leg…it was interesting to see that they actually showed a kid hurt by someone. Most people try to stay away from children being hurt or killed in movies. The ending was a little eh, didn’t give much of an explanation. Sure its wrapped up with the next movie, but come on. Honestly Jamie should have ran her ass the oppote way instead of going in the police station! So no, this movie isn’t the best, but it’s a stronger entry than part 8.
Favorite Character- Jamie, while the beginning of this movie…she is mute. She was a very strong lead towards the end of the movie.
Favorite Death- This movie doesn’t show much of the deaths, so there isn’t anything great to choose from. Im going to go with Rachel, just because it was the most drastic…you kind of expected her to be the leading lady again.
Halloween 6-
This is actually one of my favorite Halloween films, while it is difficult to love. It has some good moments. For starters, I don’t really like the direction. I think we could have done without the epileptic cutaways, Bedes that and the noises that echoed every now and then it had some good moments. I did hate the rock veron of the theme. The overall concept was a little crazy. This cult trying to make evil babies and what not. I do like that it shows you cant control evil, Michael kills everyone of them bitches. It was a nice touch following some more of the Strode family, as well as Tommy Doyle. It had a nice little piece of the original in it.
Tommy was great, I think Paul Rudd did a good job showing how fucked up that little interaction made him. The other characters were a little blah for me, we hated the dad, the mother was helpless, Kara was the loving mom, Danny seemed weak minded…the brother was typical and the girlfriend was kind of annoying. Just cliché in my opinion. By far the worst part is they replaced Danielle Harris…I honestly think she would have been worth the extra money. God knows she wasn’t asking for too much. I think for the original series, Michael was portrayed very well in this. I also love this mask, I think it is a more intimidating veron of the original. Especially seeing it in the dark, or the flashing light. I loved the institution scenes. I do wish they would have killed Loomis however…I know his death wasn’t exactly planned but it would have been nice. Also, anyone else feel he went easy on Dr. Loomis in 4-6...he had chance and again to kill him….never did….Jamie’s death was great. It is the best death in the series to me. I love how he reaches for her, kind of like “oh im sorry” and then slams her down. It just shows how sadistic he really is. I also really like the head on a spike death, its just great. So this is actually one of my favorites to watch. Sure it has its faults, but we are pushing a 6th movie…if we don’t have faults something is wrong.
Favorite Character- Tommy, it was interesting to see how weird he became after his small fun in with the boogeyman. Plus Paul Rudd was great in this film.
Favorite Death- Jamie, this scene was so epic to me as a child…still my favorite death. This is, in my opinion the best death in the entire series.
Halloween 4-
Seeing as this is our first legit sequel to the original night back in 1978, I think it was the best sequel we got. I liked the idea of starting with a new slate, Laurie isn’t around. We introduce some young characters, add a child. It kept it interesting. The beginning is great, I love the weird security guard. I also like the dream Jamie has, while it doesn’t make a lot of sense. It was a cool sequence. I don’t know how she knows what he would look like. Also when Rachel came to check on her on the couch…why was a ambulance parked in front of the house? It crashed in the river miles away…I do feel they catered to the teenage audience, the sub plots felt like a teenage soap opera. I also think this is the 2nd worst mask they have in the series. It just wasn’t detailed enough for me. I do think that if they shaded a little more and focused a little more on some features that the mask clearly had it would have been very close to the original. This also had a good atmosphere with it, it felt like it was really Halloween.
Something that other sequels didn’t focus on too much. Some small things I didn’t like, one being the picture of Laurie. I think they should have used a different picture of her, another being the picture of Young Michael…how did she get that picture of him?? Laurie didn’t have old pictures from her baby years…she didn’t even know she was adopted until later on in her life. This is also the movie were Loomis started to become annoying, and his face…the make up looked like a giant mole on his cheek. I really liked Rachel as a character, I think she was a strong lead. I loved the roof scene, and the ending. The truck scene was great, him on top trying to get to her. It became kind of iconic to me. Showed how much it takes to really stop Michael. This was the movie that made him a little more…superhuman. Putting his thumb through skulls, tearing peoples necks open, etc. While it was something new for Michael, this veron of Michael wasn’t a big guy…the original series he was a normal…barely 6 foot tall man. It doesn’t bother that much, im just pointing out its what started all of that. He was also forced to kill people a little more creatively…he only had a knife towards the end of the movie.
Favorite Character- Rachel, I feel she embodied Laurie Strode…maybe a little more brave and smart.
Favorite Death- Brady, I feel the way they did the shot was good…nothing happens. We see nothing, yet the sounds and lighting make it look super painful.Halloween-
I know a lot of people are thinking I am crazy having this as my fourth choice…I know this is the original that started it all. I just feel that they made better movies after this. I know, as does everyone else, how important and iconic this film is to the horror genre. It opens with a shocker, a little kid just murdered his ster. Back then, I am sure many people found that to be just the worst thing ever. I love seeing as he does, walking through his house, grabbing the knife, killing his ster…it was done VERY WELL.
John Carpenter made something that became so legendary with this film. It was “The Strangers” for the 70’s. I hope everyone knows what I mean by that. It was random, no motive, and realistic. Don’t take anything else away from that statement please. This movie jump started Jamie Lee Curtis’s career and gave birth to one of the biggest franchises in horror history. I could t here for paragraphs telling you everything that became iconic from this movie, from him jumping at her from behind the couch, Him wearing a sheet over his head, to him busting through the closet, her falling down the stairs, him tting up behind her. It was that generations “Scream” in my eyes. He was everywhere, yet no where to be seen my the victims until he wanted to be seen. The one scene that sticks out to me most, is when she is running from the Wallace’s…he is right behind her. She cant find the keys, the kids arent waking up. He is clong in on her, and just as you think she is a goner she gets inde. It was the most suspenseful scene in any movie ever. The only reason this isn’t my top or in my top 3 is because I felt that they made something better after this.
Favorite Character- Laurie, Jamie Lee became the scream queen mainly for this movie. She was the likeable, brave young woman who fought off a murder. She is one of the ultimate heroines in any horror movie. Ever.
Favorite Death- This would have to be Bob, Michael popping out with a knife. Raing him up off the ground and sticking a blade into his body so deep that it held him up on the wall…it was something that became trademark.
Halloween H20-
I think this movie was the original series redemption. A lot of people hated where 5 and 6 took the series. I feel like they really took it back to the original…I mean they paid homage to it in SO many ways. The return of Jamie Lee was great, also very welcomed. I wish it would have kept Jamie mentioned in the story somewhere…I know that the thorn story would have kind of came in to play…but there are ways around it. It would have been interesting to see who exactly Jamie and Johns Dad was, and if he was the same guy.
I think this movie was good at showing you the aftermath of 1978, and how Laurie has only learned to cope by becoming an alcoholic. And how her trauma had effected not only her life, but her marriage and her sons. We all know she wasn’t a weak person, so its nice to see she didn’t break down mentally like in Robs H2. Kevin Williamson could really be felt in this movie, I think that’s about the only way this movie was ever going to work. Sort of a fresh take on things, I know he didn’t write the script, but he did do the original story. Much like the first one, it was a slow building movie. The opening scene was awesome, I liked how they incorporated some of the original cast. I liked seeing how he was right behind her, just toying with her. The skate in the face was pretty cool. I liked this mask…im not sure if it was the actual part 6 mask. But I liked it, the final veron of the films mask was good…im very glad they decided against the plain white face…that would have been a repeat of number 4 in my opinion. Once the action starts at the school, it was great. By far the most gruesome scene was the dumbwaiter. Her leg was FUCKED!
This movie brought another de to Michael I think. He seemed a little more brutal in his technique than in the original. None of the deaths felt the same. When Laurie finally comes face to face with him again, it was awesome. That moment when she realizes her worst nightmare had just became a reality. It was nice to see how she had grown, she was still afraid yet she knew she had to confront him. Especially for the life of her child. When she finally got the axe and tried hunting him down, it was great. Hearing her scream his name with the score playing loudly behind her. Gives me goosebumps =) There is a reason she is the ultimate scream queen. One of the most iconic parts to this movie was when he comes down from the ceiling. How he got up there, I have no clue. But it was just awesome and creepy in the best ways. I think when she impales him with the axe and he reopens her shoulder wound, they both realized it wasn’t going to be easy to kill each other.So once everyone thinks its over, she knows better. I love how she takes the van and hauls ass out of there. After they go flying off the cliff, and he is trapped. There is that nice moment where he reaches out for her. I just always wonder what he was thinking…was it just so he could pull her close to kill her. Was it that he finally felt bad (probably not) or that he knew he was about to die? Either way, seeing that they both still cared for each other in a way was interesting. But she quickly snaps out if it and chops his head off…the nails on a chalkboard screech pours through the speakers, his head rolls towards the screen…shes breathing hard knowing she finally ended it…the bass is loud and the theme begins. I couldn’t think of a more epic ending than that. The Laurie strode story finally came full circle, and it was great to know she was the one who ended it all. It was the only way it needed to happen. So to me, this film took what the originals had, built on to it. And really gave us an evolved Laurie and Michael. This to me is the ending of the series. Like I stated earlier we didn’t need Resurrection. This was the perfect Halloween sequel we had been waiting for nce 1981.
Favorite Character- Laurie. Like I stated earlier, it was great seeing how she evolved. And how much stronger she actually was now. Something I don’t think even she knew until she was tested.
Favorite Death- Sarah…her leg being crushed, her trying to crawl her away. It was great, he pushes her neck down and stabs that ENORMOUS blade into her back.Halloween 2-
I want to start off by saying this movie made me terrified of hospitals. I think out of the originals this one scares me most. He looks scarier, his mask is messed up from the past few hours. He is dirty, he is even more pissed off now. Honestly, this really did feel like a continuation. Bedes some of the bushes and grass and what not, the direction was on point. The cast was great, you really couldn’t tell John Carpenter didn’t direct the entire thing. A lot of people feel this movie changed what made the first one scary by showing the blood and the gore.
I think it was bound to happen. For one, there is more light in this movie…you cant hide behind the darkness. Yeah his methods changed, but so did the circumstances. He wasn’t walking around with a giant butcher knife. He had to be a little creative. Brutal at times. The hammer in the head was great, the hot tub scene is awesome to me. One of the worst things ever, for one to drown…but to have your skin being boiled off with it?? This bitch must have done something really fucked up in her life to deserve that =p The needle in the temple was disturbing. It showed that Michael was smart, and the way the scene was shot was great. His mask slowly comes in to the light, and bam. This installment also brought a death everyone wanted to recreate. Him stabbing the nurse in the back and raing her up…Then her shoes fall off as she finally dies.
It was genius to me. Who knew a scalpel could be so dangerous (joking) Im really glad they decided to go with the same night. Although the idea of him coming after her in her apartment building was good…no one really has ever done a hospital setting quite as well as they did with this. It made hospitals creepy. This also brought the brother story line into play. It gave the film a deeper meaning to me. A lot of people hate that they chose to go that way…but it made it more disturbing. He wants to kill her because he didn’t get to as a child. Kind of like finishing the work he started. His movements were very robotic, not to the extent that you can say “that’s not the same person”. Once he finally finds Laurie it got intense. The scene where she is waiting on the elevator may be even worse than the kids not opening the door in the original…the kids could at least run…the elevator is timed. So once we reach the end, it was only right for the guy everyone blamed to end it all. I think Loomis finally understood he cant be stopped when he stood back up from being shot. Sure that lead to his crazy obseson later, but it was what brought him to blow them both to hell. When Laurie finally shot his eyes out…one would think it would be over. I mean he cant see right. No, he starts swinging, showing no gns of giving up.
It was another moment where you ask yourself…what is it going to take to stop this guy?? When Loomis finally blows the place up…and Laurie is tting there…and you can start to see Michael walking out of the flames…I think I would have shit myself. But it was just one more thing that showed his determination. NOTHING was going to stop him…until the fire got to be too much =p So I think out of the first two this one is more memorable…if you think about it nce it’s a continuation its really just the final act to the entire story =) Plus, every time I go in a hospital I kind of expect to see Michael following me down a deserted corridor -.- Bastard
Favorite Character- Michael…he was his scariest in this movie to me. Everything about him was perfect. None of the other entries have made him this terrifying to me.
Favorite Death- I think it’s a tie between Jill and Karen. The stab in the back became iconic, but the scolding water was horrible to me. So for me it’s a tie.
Rob Zombie’s Halloween-
Yes, this is my top pick. I'm sure a lot of people disagree with me. I'm just going to explain why I like it. To be honest, when I heard Rob Zombie was making Halloween 9 I was like no. He is going to turn it into white trashville -.- While the first half of the movie was that indeed…the rest wasn’t. I'm not sure what makes Michael scarier…not knowing why he snapped, or seeing what could have caused it?
Regardless, Robs beginning was good…and when little Michael finally loses it…it was brutal. He was a vicious little shit. Beating people with branches and bats, slicing their throats open…and making sure they know HE did it ;) It just gave us a little more inght on the parents of Michael. While it wasn’t a typical family, it was a family. We never really knew how they were effected in the originals. I know they died…but it never says. Seeing her, or hearing her, blow her head off was sad. Her family and little boy had fallen apart in the worst way. So over looking that every other word was fuck, or cunt, and looking at the way it was told.
The kills, and the direction. I could appreciate it. It also gave some inght on why he wore a mask…I mean in the originals no one would really know what his face looked like after a while…why was he so attached? Once it switches to Michael as an adult…it was great to me that they made him a beast. It was the only way to top the original. When I watch the originals, while Michael is scary…there is something about a 7 foot tall guy with a white mask and a giant knife that makes it more intimidating. It was great having Danielle Harris back, I think she was a good Annie. I didn’t really care for Linda, and I think Laurie was portrayed very well. Scout might not have been the best actress but she was good enough. Malcolm was great as Loomis, I think he was on the same level as Donald. it’s a shame they turned him into a crazy, money hungry ass hole in the sequel though.
Brad was a great addition to the cast, he was a fresh take on Brackett in my opinion. Seeing Michael put on the rotted mask for the first time was great, it really made the mask more terrifying to me. It gave it more of a raw and mean look to it. Out of all 9 films featuring Michael he looks his best in this one. He might not have been as much of a shadow stalker as he was in the originals, but he had his moments. Especially when he is just standing behind Lindsay. Just watching her. Then he is following the girls through out the night, hiding in the darkness. It wasn’t as defining as it was in the 1978 veron. But it was still there. I personally like that he was more brutal when he struck. It gave a pay off after watching his wait for his opportunity. One of the best scenes is when Laurie finds Annie, it was hectic.
Then he chases her back across the street, bursts through the door and finally takes her away. I also like that he didn’t want to kill Laurie (at first) but wanted to be with her. Once she stabbed him though, it was like all hell broke loose. He was busting through walls, breaking through ceilings, he was honestly unstoppable. When we finally get to the ending and Michael breaks through the car window, it was intense. All the way up until he tackles her ass off the roof. When she finally gets the gun, and shot after shot its empty I was like shit. How long is this movie gonna be? Then he grabs her and the gun finally goes off. The blood shoots up in her face, she is screaming cause she just killed someone. It ended on an intense note. It didn’t give us a few more scenes of closure, it ended with her covered with blood screaming her head off. So I think this veron deserves to be on top because, it made Michael scary again. Something we lost along the way. It also managed to do so in a different way. He looked awesome, and intimidating. Danielle Harris was back, and along with some great cast members. It was loud, intense, rough, and jumpy. It was an entirely different take on the original.
Which was quiet, and slow. So even though a lot of the same events happen…it unfolded in a different manor. In a way the complement each other. I don’t think John Carpenter could have captured the brutality and fast pace that rob was going for…and I don’t think Rob could have done the slow eerie movie John made either. So im sure people are going to disagree and honestly that’s great. What is this forum for if not for discuson?
Favorite Character- Annie, Danielle did a great job introducing her to a new generation…
Favorite death- The baseball bat…it was brutal…seeing and hearing him cave his head in with a bat. Judith was right up there with this though.
So how would you put the films in order, whats your favorite? Which do you hate? Would you give them all great reviews?? Let me know what you think? Where would you take the series from here? Or where do you want to see it go? I have given my opinion on that, and posted a 4 part story of how I think the next chapter should play out. I cant wait to see what you guys think!Halloween 3-To Read Part THREE 2 of 2 Click HERE
To Read Part THREE 1 of 2 Click HERE
To Read Part TWO Click HERE
To Read Part ONE Click HERE