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The Next TEXAS CHAINSAW Film To Focus On A Young Leatherface?

Back at the beginning of 2013 the world received the release of TEXAS CHAINSAW 3D which took us on a ride with a lost member of the Sawyer family who finally comes to grips with the fact that her long lost real family was totally insane, thus making nice with her cousin Leatherface at end of the film. Rumors of a sequel to carry on this storyline have had all types of speculation dancing around. One thing for sure is that fans will gladly watch another entry if and when it does finally arrive.

A very interesting piece of news has come about on the subject. B-D says that a reliable source claims that Lionsgate is now in talks to bring the next TEXAS CHAINSAW film to theaters. What could said film possibly be about? Leatherface's "teenage years" of course. The word is that apparently an unknown writer is talking with the powers that be in an effort to land a gig writing the script.

This particular project is said to be set in between Tobe Hooper's original 1974 film and 2013's TEXAS CHAINSAW. While absolutely none of this news is official, it is a nugget of hope for another story in the Chainsaw franchise. We will continue to follow this subject.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Wednesday 7/30/2014 at 06:24 PM | 102750