Forums Horror Collectibles
Amityville pic

I already have seen many times "The Amityville Horror" (1979) films and the sequels, but didin't knew the story behind this. Well, I've founded this on a brazilian te, and tried to translate the best I can...

In 1974, november 13th night Ronald "Butch" DeFeo, 24, supposedly murdered all his family with shots, in Amityville, Long Island. Right after the crime, he confessed all and were arrested, but he said that strange voices on the house tell him to kill his family. The case still is a mistery. Almost one year later, another family, the Lutz, move to that house, from where they run 28 days later, saying had witnesses horrible hauntings.

"Doors and windows opening and clong from nothing, crosses going upde-down, swarm of bugs and green slime out from the roof and lock from the doors..." Bedes, mr. Lutz found have found a "secret room on basement, that wasn't on house plan. This place were painted red and smell like blood and rooten eggs." He affirmed have seen faces on the walls (later recognized as Ronald DeFeo). Mrs. Lutz affirmed also had felt invible hands grabbing her and, in a day morning, she woke up with your body full of marks, as if she was burned with hot iron.

The couple declared had noticed drastic changes in each other personallity and in his sons while on the house. Bedes, they affirmed had seen many times ghosts haunting the house, including a person wounded by shot and wearing a white hood, and a "giant pig with red shinning eyes" that comes outde the house, close to the windows, to see what was happening inde the house. The little Lutz used to say that the pig were his friend "Jodie"

The story turns into books, movies (the sequels are not based on the real events) e researches. During one of these researches a photografer with some specialists, take a very intriguing shot showing a suposed boy near a door on the 2nd floor, wich were completely empty on the shot moment. Researches appoint that the suposed entity could be from one of Ronald's brothers, murdered that night.

Em uma dessas pesquisas um fotográfo, em conjunto com especialistas, tirou uma foto muito intrigante, que mostrava um suposto menino perto de uma porta no 2º andar, que se encontrava totalmente vazio na hora. Pesquisas mostram que a suposta entidade pode ser um dos irmãos de Ronald, assasnados na noite.

This is the freakin pic

And this is a real pic of the boy

LÜCKMANN Thursday 11/20/2008 at 02:45 PM | 24733
I'm always skeptical of pictures knowing how ealy they can be altered but that's pretty spooky if it's real

kweandee Thursday 11/27/2008 at 08:31 PM | 25809
^^^ Agreed, and if that is real then DAMN!

Thats creepy.
Evildsm Friday 11/28/2008 at 01:09 AM | 25853
Looking for some answers I find that it there's no prove from the authenticity of the picture, but no one could say that it was altered.

Remains the mistery, comes the fear of the dark...
LÜCKMANN Monday 12/01/2008 at 01:24 PM | 26252