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Let’s face it, social media is a very dangerous place to visit these days. First time director Ryan Justice prepares to bring us his upcoming film titled FOLLOWERS. The movie was shot on location in Florida. The flick sold at AFM on Traiker to the US, China, the UK, and Thailand. FOLLOWERS was just released in the UK under the title FOLLOWED.

Head on down below to have a look at the trailer for FOLLOWERS.

FOLLOWERS is produced by Ian Longen and Jason Henne. The film stars Justin Maina, Amanda Delaney, Nishant Gogna, Sean Gloria.

Director Ryan Justice says of the film:

“The movie is super relevant to our digital age and the characters will make you question the next time you share a post on social media.

As our first feature film, we are super excited for our film to get released internationally and have a US distributor that really believes in the film; Synkronized Films.”


“A social media couple's camping trip is ruined by filmmakers making a documentary on how easy it is to track someone down off social media and kill them!”

Look for FOLLOWERS to arrive in the U.S. this fall.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Saturday 7/22/2017 at 12:00 PM | 105044