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The hype for a new TEXAS CHAINSAW movie is on the horizon as we patiently await for the LEATHERFACE prequel. While we wait on that particular chainsaw massacre, we can turn our attention to Manolito Motosierra’s upcoming film titled THE SPANISH CHAINSAW MASSACRE, which will soon become available. This film is a far out gore-filled thrill ride. Head on down below to check out the trailer for the flick.
THE SPANISH CHAINSAW MASSACRE stars Yolanda Berenguer, Hilario Blas, and Pedro Garcia Oliva.
“A heavy metal band named, The Metal Dicks, are touring to promote their first record. While driving to their next concert location their van gets a flat tire so they have to spend the night in a small, local town. The next day the town is having a festival to celebrate their patron saints day and the mayor of the town asks ‘The Metal Dicks’ to join in with the festival. The band accept the mayor’s offer unaware of the dangers that lie ahead.”
Although an official date of release has not yet been set, Wild Eye is expected to release the film this November.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Saturday 8/05/2017 at 05:44 AM | 105074