Forums Horror Collectibles
Devious Returns

Feel free to post yours!
kaizu Sunday 12/07/2008 at 03:07 PM | 27307
quietonthesetstudios Sunday 12/07/2008 at 04:00 PM | 27308
The hair on the H2veron is really nice! Is it the same as the standard veron?
kaizu Sunday 12/07/2008 at 04:05 PM | 27310
Its lighter, I think its the kirk hair and then I matted it down a bunch.
quietonthesetstudios Sunday 12/07/2008 at 04:17 PM | 27311
I saw a back view of that mask a while ago

You did a great job on the hair
kaizu Sunday 12/07/2008 at 04:21 PM | 27312



Harry Warden Sunday 12/07/2008 at 08:52 PM | 27340
You guys kill me... I want a Devious too....

Damn my wallet!

DarkArtist81 Monday 12/08/2008 at 02:32 AM | 27389
You guys kill me... I want a Devious too....

Damn my wallet!

Then post your Tramer bro!
kaizu Monday 12/08/2008 at 02:37 AM | 27393
Gotta throw mine up then!!!

DaShape Monday 12/08/2008 at 02:40 AM | 27396
Devious #2

Sam's three styles of Myers in 2008 - Shape '08, Devious, and Economike

lblambert Monday 12/08/2008 at 02:55 AM | 27401
Sam's three styles of Myers in 2008 - Shape '08, Devious, and Economike

Awesome pics everybody!!

Here's one more

kaizu Monday 12/08/2008 at 03:01 AM | 27405