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New Trailer Arrives For HOUSE SHARK!

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Just when you thought it was safe to go home, SRS Cinema has launched a new trailer for their upcoming release of the movie billed as “JAWS in a house!” – “HOUSE SHARK”! The new trailer features the final look from the movie which can be viewed down below.

HOUSE SHARK stars Wayne W. Johnson, Nathan Bonk, Melissa LaMartina, Jennie Russo, Samantha Varga, Edward Mastin and Brett Janeski.


“When Frank (Trey Harrison) finds his happy home under attack by a dangerous but largely unknown breed of shark, he’s enlists the aid of the world’s only “House Shark” Expert, Zachary (Michael Merchant), and a grizzled former real estate agent, Abraham (Wes Reid), to embark on a desperate quest to destroy the beast and claim back his life.”

Look for HOUSE SHARK coming soon.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Wednesday 2/28/2018 at 03:58 AM | 105563