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After graduating Film Production and Cinematography from Bournemouth University, the trio of Sam Fowler, Charlie Pride and Kris Carr created Bad Taste Pictures. Determined to follow in the footsteps of Peter Jackson and Sam Raimi, they created their first film titled THE YOUNG CANNIBALS. Carr and Fowler wrote and directed the movie, while Pride serves as producer. Head on down below to have a look at the official trailer.
THE YOUNG CANNIBALS stars Megan Purvis, Samuel Freeman, Hannah Louise Howell, Benjamin Sarpong-Broni, Kim Spearman, Martin Thomas, and David Patrick Stucky.
“Seven friends summon a monster when they are tricked into eating burgers made of human flesh.”
THE YOUNG CANNIBALS is currently seeking distribution.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord
Monday 4/02/2018 at 03:08 AM | 105636