I got a free burned DVD of "HANCOCK" so I figured I'd check it out.

I thought it started out good, I liked the new spin on a super hero who doesn't care, likes to get drunk and causes more of a problem than actually helping.

The story was going strong even when he checks himself into jail to repay society for all the damage he's caused . . . and then it sort went down hill.


The whole thing with him being drawn to his female counterpart (so to speaK) and how when they are close they begin to loose their powers . .. yeah, can't say I was thrilled with that.

It was ok but I think I liked the mystery of Hancock's origins much better.

Also, I was taking it half way serious until the whole tornado fight (if you've seen it you know what I mean)

Oh, and what about that last shot of the entire movie . . . talk about CRAP CGI effects of New York City.

Looked just about as bad as the CGI monsters from Smith's last movie "I am Legend".

Over all it's entertaining and I don't feel I wasted my time completely but once again, the story had such promise then half way through . . BOOM, another hollywood dud.
DaShape Thursday 12/11/2008 at 06:24 AM | 27815
This shit stinks!

After The Legend, Will Smith should retire and stop to try to make action movies... Why doesn't he back to do Fresh Prince or another Man In Black?
LÜCKMANN Thursday 12/11/2008 at 02:12 PM | 27845
Watched the first five minutes of it and had to turn it off. I Am Legend is the only Will Smith film that I was prepared to watch right to the end.
Sourfacedbastard Saturday 12/13/2008 at 08:56 AM | 28066