If you enjoy the kind of film that starts out one way and suddenly changes then you should enjoy what we have for you today. From the writing and directing team of Paul Bushe and Brian O'Neill comes KILLERS WITHIN. Head on down below to have a look at the official trailer.
KILLERS WITHIN stars Sue Walsh, Jeff Doyle, Johnny Elliott, Andrew Murray, Sam Lucas Smith, Sinead O'Riordan, Saoirse Long, Patrick Murphy, Tom Naughten, and Cormac Melia.
"With her son being held captive by a criminal gang, police-officer Amanda Doyle, together with her ex-husband and three unlikely allies, takes part in a desperate plot to hold a wealthy banker and his family to ransom. But this is no ordinary family."
The trailer reveals there are snake people in this movie, referred to as "reptilians". I'm guessing Bushe and O'Neill were inspired by the "reptilian elite" conspiracy theory that says the world is run by reptilian creatures. These criminals get on the bad side of a wealthy family, and the rich folk turn out to be reptiles in disguise. Sure, I can go along with this.
KILLERS WITHIN is now available.
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