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Official Trailer Arrives For THE HARVESTING!

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Vision Films and Archstone Distribution with Leadhead Pictures prepare for the release of the new Horror film from director Ivan Kraljevic titled THE HARVESTING. The movie takes on the Horror subgenre of possession and gives it a creative twist with its psychological thriller edge and stunning cinematography. You can view the official trailer below.

THE HARVESTING stars Chris Conner, Elena Caruso, Jennifer Gareis, Jack Buckley and Alex Yurcaba.


"Jake, Dinah and their children take a summer trip to Amish country for a change of pace. On their first night there, the ghost of Amos Zook (Jack Buckley), an ax murderer, visits the old country home they are staying at and begins to invade their son’s fragile mind. The Amish, who were keeping the evil at bay while dealing with the fallout from the massacre, will not discuss the ghost’s presence with Jack and Dinah, forcing them to search for answers on their own. As secrets from the past are revealed, will Jake learn how to fight the evil before the summer solstice arrives or will his family succumb to it and follow the evil into the unknown?"

THE HARVESTING will be available on Digital January 8th.
Horror Domain - Cursed Evil Overlord Thursday 2/21/2019 at 01:56 AM | 106300