Forums Horror Movie Talk
Feast Series

ok this really isnt a review but by people responding it will contain a few when the thread is all said and done

Why dose the 2nd and 3rd film catch so much heat.

Yea the goofy funness is amped in 2 and 3 but imo opinion thats why they are great.

It just seems to me from what I see people say on the e-nets that i saw a totatly diffrent feast 1 then everyone else (I'm not saying its a shitty movie at all its just people who love one are saying the other two are balls)

To me these are fucking beyond great they are what i like most about horror I just wish more people would like the sequels so more movies like this would be made.

Hopefully when Bad Biology finaly drops it will stir up more of a market for these kind of movies

so I ask you if you did not dig 2 and 3 but dug the first one why?

The only thing I can think of is that its a tad bit more serious.
DWN Productions Saturday 2/14/2009 at 07:14 PM | 35890
FEAST one rocked...I haven't avoided 2 and 3 but I have read the bad reviews. I'll check them out because my good bud's got 'em. As for Bad Biology the f/x look killer and it won the NYC Horror Fest but I'll admit what I saw made me a bit had that digital "surveillance camera" look to it and the acting looked like crap. It did seem no holds barred though so I'll check it out.
ny ghoul Sunday 2/15/2009 at 04:07 AM | 35934
I'm amped nce its Franks first movie in a good while I love me some Hennelotter flciks
DWN Productions Sunday 2/15/2009 at 04:37 PM | 35965
Love Feast 1, Feast 2 is bad but Feast 3 very bad!!!
Klempo Monday 2/23/2009 at 10:39 PM | 37200
Other than random hot tattooed nudity does anybody know what the hell is going on in here or if they are leaving that godawful joke of a robot stomping as the end of the series?

Really shitty way to end a funny if ridiculous series.
ironblade87 Saturday 12/26/2009 at 12:10 PM | 59534