Forums Horror Collectibles

A guy by the name of Dan Meth created this “The Trilogy Meter”, a graphical representation of the enjoyment level of some of the most notable movies in film history. I by far don't agree with all the measurements (Temple of Doom should be one or two steps lower than Last Crusade, X-Men 3 should be higher and Back to the Future Parts 2 & 3 are just as good as the original me thinks), but I think it's a sweet idea.

Does the meter measure up to your thoughts on these great triologies???
DaShape Wednesday 2/18/2009 at 04:22 PM | 36426
jaws 3 better than jaws 2 is he on crack?????????????????????????????????
Johnny Bisco Wednesday 2/18/2009 at 08:42 PM | 36459
They all seem pretty right except as mentioned already JAWS....part 2 is for sure higher than 3!; also Indiana Jones 3 is WAY better than 2;.....

I prefer JURASC PARK 3 over 2; and MAD MAX 1 SLAYS thunder-dome!!!!!
ny ghoul Thursday 2/19/2009 at 03:47 AM | 36537
I agree with some of it... I think that LOTR should have been higher over the entire series, they all seem a bit low on that meter.

Terminator 1 should be higher too, and Alien 3 should be a bit higher too... it wasn't THAT bad.

DarkArtist81 Friday 2/20/2009 at 12:41 AM | 36660
I agree with some of it...some of those I've haven't seen. I think Batman Returns was better then the 1st one though.

kweandee Friday 2/20/2009 at 02:49 AM | 36670